The Original Sunburn Soap company sent me samples of there soaps in exchange for this review.

Now, that Summer is here were planning on going to a outdoor Swimming Pool this week. I know Charlie night not burn but David and I most likely will.
Now I don’t have to worry about that because I have soaps from WILD Organic Skincare which David and I will be able to use. Not, only that now I can work in the Garden and not worry about getting Sunburned.
There were so many samples I want to give my sister three for her, my nephew Jason and my niece Lily so they can play outside this Summer and there father will not be complaining there going to get burned and need to be inside.
If it does happen they can take a bath and put on WILD Organic Skincare Original Sunburn Soap which will keep them from hurting as much and help them heal so much faster.
There is only one thing I hate and that is soap bars can become nasty and end up full of germs from people sharing the same bar of soap.Charlie, David and I can pick out the sample we want and put it in a container with our name on it and not let anyone use our bar of soap.

The Original Sunburn Soap is what I can’t wait to share with Charlie who has been outside playing Basketball this week and he ended up getting Sunburned on his face.
Charlie went to take a bath and before he got out of the tub I brought Charlie The Original Sunburn Soap which he used and he said his face felt better and wouldn’t need Aloe Vera which he hates using.
David has even put The Original Sunburn Soap inside his backpack to take to work and share with his Co-Workers because they work outside 24/7 and some of them end up Sunburned.
The second product I received was The Original Suntan Soap not that I Sunbath but I know people who do and can’t wait to share the samples with them.
This soap is for people who already have a base tan. But, today you’ve been out in the sun, and you got a little crispy. This soap will help ease that dry, sticky, redness and have you looking golden bronze tomorrow. And, this essential oil scent blend is like a sweet ocean breeze.

Charlie reminded me know we do hang out at the Park and we go on Field Trips to local attractions and water parks and I sit out in the Sun because I want a tan so I should be able to use The Original Suntan Soap to help me.
This soap is for people who already have a base tan. But, today you’ve been out in the Sun, and you got a little crispy. This soap will help ease that dry, sticky, redness and have you looking golden bronze tomorrow. And, this Essential Oil scent blend is like a sweet Ocean Breeze.

100 million Americans get burned by the Sun every year and are seeking relief, yet no one wants to deal with messy Aloe Vera, and most lotions and creams have synthetic ingredients that may hurt more than help.
A new product from WILD Organic Skincare, a woman-owned American skincare company, can help sunburn sufferers feel better faster.
Monika Angelini, Owner, WILD Organic Skincare says, “As Summer approaches, it’s extra important to pay attention to what products we use on our skin.
Sun damage is dangerous, cumulative and difficult to reverse. Your skin is at its most vulnerable stage when burned, and needs natural ingredients it can recognize.
The Original Sunburn Soap is made with Aloe Extract, Honey, Coconut Milk, Marshmallow Root, Witch Hazel, and Peppermint Oil, and will gently exfoliate dead skin and heal at the same time.”
Enter The Original Sunburn Soap. The first shower after getting burned is a crucial moment in determining how long and painful your sunburn will be.
Ingredients in conventional soaps make your sunburn feel worse. The Original Sunburn Soap contains certified Organic, all-natural ingredients that re-hydrate and exfoliate skin while decreasing redness, irritation, and pain.
WILD Organic Skincare offers essential oil-based scent combinations, making colors from seeds, flowers, and plant extracts to create a variety of chromatic hues, all without using man-made micas. No more toxic products with artificial fragrances.
Years ago, Monika’s mother-in-law asked her to make a soap to help alleviate a beach sunburn. The combination of ingredients required to make a soap specifically for sunburns was not only complex, but didn’t lend itself to traditional soap making techniques.
Through numerous rounds of trial and error, countless bars of goopy soap, and product testing on her husband and co-founder, Brandon, Monika had finally achieved The Original Sunburn Soap.
The Original Sunburn Soap is a one-of-a-kind product that was created to serve one purpose: less sunburn, less pain, less peeling, and healthier summer skin.
More about:

WILD Organic Skincare is all about finely handcrafted, affordable, sustainable, organic skincare that’s good for you and the planet. WILD Organic Skincare’s story started in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where Monika and her husband both lived.
Monika was climbing the ladder in her career, but she was unsatisfied, unhappy, overworked, and stressed out. As she began to learn the benefits of a natural lifestyle and introduced Organic into her diet and skincare routine, Monika found herself looking at every label and becoming more critical of what synthetic-free and all-natural really meant. Her desire was to find the perfect store to satisfy all her natural skincare needs. Sadly, such a place did not exist.
Monika applied for a position at the local Apothecary so she could learn more about handmade soap making and natural formulations, and also channel her passion for sharing Organic skincare with the world.
To Monika’s disappointment, the Apothecary turned her away. This only fueled Monika’s ambition even further, as she took it upon herself to learn everything she could about natural soap making.
Fast forward several months, and Monika is selling her soaps at the local market. Monika had become so good at making organic soap, she was not only selling out every market, but was drawing business away from the very same Apothecary who had previously turned down Monika. The Apothecary, who also had a booth at the local market, stopped showing up because Monika’s soap was attracting a majority of business.
Monika and Brandon have since moved back to Raleigh, NC, where they grew up, to give WILD Organic Skincare a strong grassroots foundation for true, organic growth.
After 10 years of formulation and product development, WILD Organic Skincare continues to evolve as it discovers new and innovative ways to share organic skincare with the world.
Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Bio/resume
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates