Fighting Parkinson’s… And Winning Written by Howard Shifke

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to read FightingParkinson’s… And Winning because my Uncle had Parkinson’s before he passed away so I could get to know more about it and how I might be able to prevent it if either my father or Aunt end up with it. Or even my sister or brother or God forbid myself or Charlie.

Once I finished the book, I found myself returning to it time and time again as I saw the exercise was comforting and something I could do on a daily basis like a preventive measure. I also was able to get Charlie and David to work out with me, and they said they felt better and are happy to keep using the information in the book.

I believe anyone who is looking for an alternative path to his treatment on Parkinson’s.” should check out this book and that they should have their family read it as well so they know what you’re going through and how they might be able to help you in your recovery.

As well as being able to support you and understand what your facing and what will happen as the disease progresses and can make things easier for you by making sure you have the items you would need to get through each day without hurting yourself. If you or someone you know has Parkinson’s, then I would like to recommend you purchase a copy of this book for them.


Howard Shifke fully recovered from Parkinson’s Disease. This memoir presents Howard’s story of getting Parkinson’s and provides a detailed account of how he won the fight against it.

The memoir tells the story of what it was like for Howard to live day-to-day with Parkinson’s, getting through the daily challenges and misgivings as well as how he looked toward the future with hope.

Howard suffered from internal tremors, poor balance. Bradykinesia (walking — hunched forward, shuffled feet, arms did not swing). Rigidity (arms, legs, and upper back were tight and extremely painful); constipation; inability to stand up straight, to get out of a chair without using arms, to go up and down stairs without holding railing; difficulty getting a utensil to his mouth when trying to eat; falling asleep in middle of the day; frozen face; inability to write or to type with two hands; extreme fatigue.

In the fall of 2009, Howard Shifke diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. His mother had Parkinson’s for twenty-four years before dying in 2007, just two years before Howard diagnosis of Parkinson’s. Having watched her physically deteriorate from the disease and mentally deteriorate from the medications was challenging and frightening.

Howard did not want to end up the way his mother had ended up with the disease. Fortunately, in 1999, Howard had started studying alternative healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the ten years leading up to his diagnosis, he had learned the body could heal itself.

As a result, Howard decided he would endeavor to recover from Parkinson’s, and he developed an alternative treatment methodology called his Parkinson’s Recipe for Recovery®. Nine months later, he won the fight against Parkinson’s with his full recovery.

In Howard’s two neurologist visits after his full recovery, his neurologist put him through all of the tests used for the original diagnosis. Both times, his neurologist documented in Howard’s medical records that there were no signs or symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

Howard has been symptom-free fully recovered from Parkinson’s since June 12, 2010.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates