February- Black History Month

The Mommies Reviews

Homeschooling Charlie allows us to study the things he is interested in instead of things Schools think they should teach our children. Which is why in February – Black History Month we are studying Kobe, Ray Charles and the Harlem Globetrotters. Would you like to join us in our studies?

Black History Month

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Black History Month, which is celebrated each year during February, is a chance for Americans to learn details of their Nation’s History that, unfortunately, are far too often neglected and pushed to the wayside. There is a saying that goes, Black History is American History. A varied and rich history. A wise Nation honors and learns from its past. It refuses to let the important facts about our shared and collective memory disappear into the depths of forgotten History. What happened in the past informs where we are heading in the future. It’s of paramount importance to set aside a month for learning as much as we can about Black History.


Did you know Black History Month wouldn’t have been possible without Negro History Week’s creation in the United States in 1926. Famous historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History proclaimed the second week of February to be observed as Negro History Week. Since the inception of this event, the main focus was to encourage the teaching of the history of Black Americans in Educational institutes, particularly at the primary level. The departments of education of Delaware, North Carolina, and West Virginia were very cooperative. The overall reception was lukewarm, but Woodson considered it a success and “one of the most fortunate steps ever taken by the Association.”

In February 1969, the idea for Black History Month was promoted by Black students and educators at Kent State University, followed by the first celebration of Black History Month on Campus and local surroundings one year later. Fast forward six years and Black History Month was being celebrated across the Country, and not only in schools, colleges, and Community Centers. In 1976, President Gerald Ford praised Black History Month, urging all Citizens to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout History.”

The creation of Black History Month also led to some controversy. Celebrating Black History for one month seemed too confining, with many labeling it downright inappropriate. Another concern was that Black History Month would glamorize the delicate subject and lead to Black Historical figures being simplified as heroes. 


  1. History comes alive in our Nation’s Museums, and many of these institutions have events, conferences, and celebrations surrounding Black History Month. Visit a museum and see first-hand the American Nation’s collective historical treasures.
  2. One of the best ways to get the ball rolling toward a better Society is by contacting members of Congress. Ask them what they have planned for Black History Month. What specific legislative actions they plan to take to ensure that our Community never backtracks in its pledge to provide opportunities for each and every person.
  3. Libraries and bookstores are overflowing with amazing works of Black Literature, History, and Biography. Find a book about a piece of Black History that you were previously unaware of and get educated.


  1. Rosa Parks wasn’t the first Claudette Colvin, a 15-year-old girl, refused to move to the back of a bus nine months before Parks did.
  2. Although Martin Luther King Jr. had prepared notes, Martin Luther King Jr. improvised much of his “I Have a Dream” speech.
  3. Now, I have a fun fact for you. The iconic cartoon character Betty Boop was modeled after a Harlem Jazz singer named Esther Jones.
  4. The first Black U.S. Senator was Hiram Revels, who took office in 1870.
  5. Pitcher Satchel Paige was the first Black player to be inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame.


  1. Anybody who pays even a little attention to American Social affairs and Politics knows that there’s still much work to do in order for the Nation to truly live out its creed that everybody is “created equal.” The lessons of Black History Month provide us with a way forward by examining our past.
  2. There are many stories that have yet to be told about the History of Black America. Black History Month inspires us to search beyond the typical and seek out the extraordinary. The stories are waiting; you just have to go and find them.
  3. Martin Luther King Jr. said that “History books … had almost completely ignored the contribution” of American Black people throughout History. Awareness of this fact can help the nation chart its course to a more enlightened age for every American.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates