When you live in a Townhome a lot of times when your cooking the smells end up going into your neighbors homes. The other day I was going to going to make Salmon Patties ie Croquet. I didn’t want this to happen.
While at Walmart I picked up Febreze AIR Kitchen Odor Fighter Fresh Lemon. Once we finished cooking we sprayed the kitchen and in no time our kitchen smelled like a Lemon Garden. I liked how this doesn’t mask the smell but refreshes our kitchen. The scent lasts forever and one bottle lasts a long time.
David showed Granny Sherry this and she liked learning it has up to 2X odor Fighting Ingredients. I was afraid the scent might be overpowering and bother Charlie and I but it didn’t. I liked learning it;s water based.
Just because Febreze AIR Kitchen Odor Fighter Fresh Lemon says its for the kitchen doesn’t mean you can’t use it in other areas of your home. I’ve even used it on our Back Porch after using our grill to make dinner.
Hold the Air Mist can upright and press and hold the trigger. Spray in a sweeping motion for noticeable freshness.
TIP: Don’t shake! Air Mist is ready to release the freshness as soon as you pull the trigger.
USE in your kitchen, bathroom, living room, that storage shed out back… anywhere odors are lingering in the air or you simply need an instant burst of freshness.
DON’T USE on fabrics (there’s Fabric Refresher for that), near an open flame, or (as with all air care products) near birds.
Try adding as the final touch to your cleaning routine, and be sure to keep Air Mist on hand for those emergency odiferous situations.
Thank you,
Glenda and Charlie and David Cates