Features To Check In While Selecting Best Fabric for Outdoor Curtains

The Mommies Reviews

Features To Check In While Selecting Best Fabric for Outdoor Curtains

There are two options when it comes to outdoor curtains. You can either get the standard ones already available or you can always try and customize some for your use. No matter whatever your choices have been, you will always have the best fabric used for manufacturing these curtains. Avoid going for the basic ones because they won’t be able to withstand the heat and pressure. But, then you have the outdoor curtains with fabrics like acrylic, olefin, polyester blend, and cotton canvas.

The features to get into:

Before you focus on any of the fabric for outdoor curtains, and curtain of your choice there are some features to use in your checklist. Asking some important questions to the manufacturing unit is important and will let you know if you are making the right choice over here. 

Do you think that your chosen fabric material can stand the test of time and natural elements? Can they focus on the wear and tear of outdoor living? How many patterns and colors can you have these curtains in? Which one of the materials is light in weight and which one will have enough flow and drape to hang beautifully? There are so many other features that you need to address, before selecting the outdoor curtain of your choice.

Aim for the water resistant one:

As you are looking for the outdoor curtains, chances are high that they have to face water even more. They have to withstand downpour and even water from your garden sprinklers. 

  • So, the chosen material needs to be waterproof in nature. More so, these fabrics must be able to dry quickly, much like olefin.
  • Fabrics, which will absorb a lot of water like cotton or canvas, will become way too heavy during a rainstorm. Moreover, they are at the higher risk of developing mildew and mold issues.

Fade and UV resistant:

It is true that direct sunlight can always hamper the condition of the item that it comes in touch with. Harsh kinds of UV rays on the untreated fabrics will force them to just bleach out the colors and fade. So, you will get a dull and uneven coloration within a short span of time. 

  • So, always check in with the fabric with UV protective service.
  • It helps the fabric to stay as bright as ever, even when it is scorching hot outside.

Noted to be eco-friendly:

Enjoying the current outdoor living means you will be looking out for an environment that you care so much about. The manufacturing procedure associated with the olefin fabrics will create less waste material. It is because 100% of this fabric is recyclable. So, when the time comes, you can melt down the fabric and re-extrude into new yarn. It can be rewoven for as many as 10 times!

Get to these features first:

Keeping a check on these features will actually help you to understand more about the best fabric to choose for the outdoor curtain. The more you research, the better plans will be coming your way.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates