Feathers of the Phoenix: The Atlantean Horse

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a new review with you for The Atlantean Horse Feathers of the Phoenix, #1 which I received a copy of for this review.

Trying to find books Charlie will actually sit down and read is as hard as pulling a tooth. This week I handed Charlie’s friend Ronnie my copy of  Feathers of the Phoenix: The Atlantean Horse. I asked Ronnie to let me know what he thought of the story. Charlie seeing Ronnie read the story decided he would read the book as well.

Once they finished the book Charlie let me know he thought this story would be perfect for Middle Schoolers. While Ronald said he thought David Charlie’s dad would enjoy the story. I agreed with both boys on who they thought would enjoy this story. Although some people might be turned off by the blood.

 Feathers of the Phoenix: The Atlantean Horse is a adventure book that will keep the reader interested from the first word to the end of the book. It’s a fast read that is the first in a series. I’m always on the lookout for new fantasy series for my son and my husband.  Feathers of the Phoenix: The Atlantean Horse confused me at the start of the story because I didn’t know if there were other short stories before this book but the Author constantly referring to events that not only happened before this book, but she talks at length at the start of the book with no explanation til halfway through. The constant references to these events got very old very fast almost causing me to stop reading the book. I pushed forward and I am so glad I did.


Ancient Mystery. Mystical Prophecy. Biblical Horsemen.

One Epic Task

  • The Task: Find and retrieve the Five Feathers of the fabled Phoenix to raise Atlantis so its people can return home.
  • The Chosen: Rosa & Jerome: Two cousins as close as sister and brother. Called by a visitor from a mythical city, they embark upon a perilous quest to retrieve the first Feather. Little do they realize that something more personal awaits them amid the danger. Rosa’s kept her special gift hidden from all, kept it far in the Past, but now it will have to be revealed. Jerome’s yet to discover his special gift.
  • The Opponents: The Four Deadly Horsemen of the Apocalypse, vessels of evil and greed, will stop at nothing, not even murder, to possess the Feathers.

Join Rosa & Jerome as they risk all in their search for the First Feather!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates