Fear Not! How to face your fear and anxiety head-on

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for the children’s book Fear Not! How to face your fear and anxiety which I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

Fear Not!: How to Face Your Fear and Anxiety Head-On (Capable Kiddos) by [Christina Furnival, Katie Dwyer]

I never wanted to say this but it seems Covid is on the rise again or that is what I’ve been told. Which I never wanted to hear because this scares Charlie to death. It also makes Charlie become more reclusive and no, 14 almost 15 year old should be afraid to leave his home but Charlie is.

With Charlie going into High School this year I was dreaming Charlie would go back to school were he would be able to make friends. Now there is no, way this can happen as Charlie’s anxiety is out of control again. I can barley get Charlie to go to a store with me and eating out is out of the question.

The other day I sat down to read Fear Not! and by the time I finished the rhyming children’s book I felt more calmer and like I could conquer anything that I needed to. I shared the book with David and he let me know he liked the child on the cover and the story is perfect for children of all ages as well as adults.

Then I sat the book down on Charlie’s table were his game system is because Charlie hasn’t been wanting to read at all. I thought if I left the book and didn’t say anything then Charlie might open the book up. But the book sat there and sat there. Then Jason and Lily my niece and nephew came over and they asked if they could read Fear Not!

As I walked out of the room I heard Lily and Jason taking turns reading the book. Once they finished I asked them what they thought of the book and they let me know they liked it a lot. They can’t wait to ask there parents to purchase a copy for them to have at home.

When they left Charlie brought the book down and sat next to me on the couch. Charlie said mom can we read this together because I missed some of the parts when Lily and Jason was reading the book. I opened the book and each of us took turns reading Fear Not!

I love how inside the book it lets children now even parents have fears. Charlie and I also liked learning to use the following steps notice, accept and acknowledge which we’ve printed out and hung not only on my office wall but Charlie’s bedroom wall to remind us of what to do when fears take over.

There is three steps inside the book Charlie and I read each step once a day and discussed how our entire family could use the steps on a daily basis as well as share them with our friends and family. Charlie even sat down and drew pictures of what we could do in the future in his Homeschool Art Class.

I love in the back of the book the Author has included a not to parents or professionals which reminds us No Fear! is part of the Capable Kiddos series which I can’t wait to check out. There is also a set of discussion questions which Charlie and I can discuss and use in our Homeschool Language Arts Class or for Creative Writing helping us get in touch with our fears.

How can I help my child overcome their fear and anxiety?
What skills can I teach my child to cope with scary “what if” thoughts?
How can I help them grow more confident when their worries seem so big?

Christina Furnival, a licensed mental health therapist and mom, answers these questions in this empowering and uplifting rhyming story about a young boy who successfully faces his anxiety and fear head-on. In Fear Not!, children will learn a practical three-step lesson to manage their worries, regain their cool, and strip fear of its power once and for all.

By teaching children how to confront their fears and mindfully ride the wave of anxiety, this book equips them with the tools they need to deal with the inevitable stressors of life and feel confident no matter the challenge.

About Christina Furnival

Christina Furnival

Christina Furnival is the author of the “Capable Kiddos” series, a collection of social-emotional children’s books that support children to overcome challenges, develop life skills, and thrive. Christina’s books, informed by both her personal experience as a parent as well as her 10+ years of experience in the mental health field as a licensed psychotherapist (LPCC), give children the language and knowledge to grow in social-emotional learning. And her books don’t just focus on the child, they provide parents, teachers, and therapists tools to best help them support their children.

Passionate about emotional wellbeing, Christina empowers parents and children in all her work. It is her goal to support and equip parents and children to understand themselves better, navigate challenges confidently, and live their best life! In addition to being an author, she is a therapist, speaker, and writer for her blog, Real Life Mama, found at ChristinaFurnival.com.

Based in San Diego with her Scottish husband, and two wonderful and wild children, Christina adores time with her family at the beach, walking trails, and having outrageous dance parties in the kitchen.

Christina loves connecting with her readers and welcomes you to reach out to her through her website, email, or social media accounts. If her books touch home for you, please let her know as well as leave a review here on Amazon! Thank you!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates