Homeschooling Charlie has give us many opportunities we wouldn’t have if we were still attending a Public School. Just like 2021 Fall Gallery Night at Downtown Cowtown At The Isis which was happening the same night as Brian White’s concert which we attended.

What many people do not know about Charlie is he is scared of Heights but the Art Show was on the Second Floor and there was a Elevator so Charlie didn’t mind going up to look around. But my foot was hurting and I was trying to stay off it as much as possible.
Although, I knew we needed to attend Fall Gallery Night for Charlie’s Homeschool Art Class. When the LORD brought David home early and he met us at the Theater. Charlie went upstairs with his dad to look through the Art and to take notes for school.
Charlie came back was so excited to share some of the pieces he saw and to try his hand at drawing them when we got home. I showed Charlie the Brochure I had sharing other Museums with Charlie and he has started a Homeschool Field Trip list with is a God send because Charlie doesn’t like using books in school.

But if we could take a Field Trip everyday of the week Charlie would learn more than he ever did in school. If your Homeschooling them watch for other shows here that you and your family can attend.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates