Everything You Need to Know About Animated Holiday Cards

Everything You Need to Know About Animated Holiday Cards

As the holiday season approaches, everybody thinks of making the holiday time more memorable, uniquely greeting people and making it look more creative.

The older times were such that greeting holiday cards were exchanged in person or posted through postal services, they took a lot of time to reach the addressee. However, with the advancement in technology, this trend has come down.

Virtual wishes have made way for animated holiday cards, making them more colourful and interesting.

In this article, we will discuss everything that one should know about animated holiday cards.


The most important feature of an animated holiday card is that it is sent through electronic mode. 

When people want to send holiday cards to a huge mass, it helps in cutting down the large cost. 

Printed cards on the other hand are more expensive and difficult to deal with. 

One needs to get them printed, get the address written, and then mailed which takes a lot of time.

Animated holiday cards are electronic, thus they can be sent easily through electronic mode by just choosing the contacts to whom it is to be sent.


One can plan for and design the animated holiday card according to their preference, this makes customization of the cards very efficient.

One needs to put forth the layout of the card, and the style they want it to be of, such as informal, formal, photographic, etc. 

Animations make the cards look more attractive and colorful. They help in making the card more memorable and informal.

Animated holiday cards work best when being sent to family and close friends, it creates a sense of dearness and closeness with people. 


The animated cards are not accessible on an email, they need to be accessed on a different platform. 

It requires complicated applications that support complex animations. 

An e-mail can host basic animation, but when we want to access advanced ones, we need to use a server to host them.

Also, the picture or artwork required to be animated in an animated holiday card is shot before programming it, all such processes that require technical aid should be completed beforehand.

The programming of animations is a bit complicated and requires around 4 to 10 weeks to complete.

This period can vary from firm to firm based on the efficiency of their work.


The ideal duration of the animation in an animation holiday card is around 30 seconds, this is because usually, people lose interest in longer duration stuff. They leave it before it gets completed.

People can at most watch animations that last for a minute or less, they can watch it for longer if only it is very interesting.


Besides all the qualities and technological efficiency, an animated holiday card helps in saving a lot of paper and proves to be quite environmentally friendly. 

Imagine, sending 100 printed animated holiday cards to your acquaintances, and the amount of paper that will be used to get them printed, stamped, and in envelope covers. 

All of it will impact the environment so badly.

While at the same time the process of sending all these cards through electronic mode will be so fast and will help protect the environment.


We are advancing technologically in almost every possible way.

Thus, when we use animated holiday cards we can give a personal touch and make them however we want to depend upon the person we wish to send them to.

We can make them a little formal for some using a different storyboard, while we can make them a little less formal for some, depending upon our needs.

The design of a holiday card can be changed as per the requirement using the right and appropriate manner.


One can use animated holiday cards for different seasons, and different purposes as per the need of the hour.

One can use it for as many festivals as possible that mark the holiday time according to the needs of the client.

Thus, from the above points, we can conclude that animated holiday cards have a lot of usage in these times.

Since we are advancing digitally, we can always try to use new methods and techniques of making beautiful yet innovative memories and express our love and gratitude to our loved ones.

It is just a digital way of expressing our thoughts to our dear ones and a way of letting them know that they are always in our good wishes and thoughts.

Animating pictures and video content in a holiday card can prove to be a point of interest that may make the other party smile!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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