Everything We Should Have Taught You In High School, But Never Did

The Mommies Reviews

Schools have ended for the year and were going into Summer. A lot of children graduated including our next-door neighbor’s son Maurice. At the moment Maurice hasn’t decided if he is going to college or not. While his girlfriend would like to take Anime classes. As gift for Maurice’s graduation, I plan on picking up another copy of Everything We Should Have Taught You In High School, But Never Did by Dr. Richard Gary Shear for him and his girlfriend. Because the copy I received for this review is being put into a box I’ve started for Charlie when he goes to college hopefully in a couple more years. God willing….

If you know children in High School that will be graduating at the end of the year you should pick up a copy of Everything We Should Have Taught You In High School, as part of their graduation present. Because this book is the best graduation gift you can give to them. You will find out this book is something the kids will use over and over. Its not a gft they will toss into a basket and forget about.

I even plan on having Charlie read Everything We Should Have Taught You In High School, But Never Did by Dr. Richard Gary Shear in our Home Economics Class to help prepare Charlie for life afterhig school. A child or adult reads this book and never goes to College, and learn a lot from the Author they can use in life each and every day.

If you’re a parent I hope you will take the time to read Everything We Should Have Taught You In High School, But Never which will prepare you for what your children will face in College if you didn’t go. Which David and I didn’t and none of our family has and could help Charlie out. As your child gradutes make sure you purchase a copy of this book for the Teachers and Principal who taught and took care of your children for at least 4 years to share with the parents of upcoming Juniors and Senors and make sure you ask the Prinicpal to keep this book not only in the Library but the Counselors offices.


Lessons that have led a generation of students to become leaders, achieve personal happiness, and live life filled with joy.
High School teaches how to determine the area of a room, but not how to navigate the people and personalities you will find in that room. In school, you are exposed to the cataclysmic events of history, but rarely about the life struggles you’ll experience.

Award-winning educator Dr. Richard Gary Shear has learned these lessons from decades of experience and research. Everything We Should Have Taught You in High School, But Never Did is a must-read for new graduates and people of all ages, revealing important life insights, such as:

  • Learning the Two Secrets to Success
  • How to Create the Rules of Life So You Win
  • What Happy People Have in Common
  • The Importance of Self Kindness
  • How to Keep Your Dreams Alive
  • A Guide on How to Find the Right Answers
  • The Superpower of a Positive Attitude and Temperament

About the Author

Dr. Richard Gary Shear

Is an award-winning educator and a national consultant on school reform to universities, school districts, and educational organizations. He has created and advised on numerous programs that focus on topics in education: the teenage brain, school safety, at-risk students, environments for success, and initiatives to improve the lives of students and educators. Schools utilizing Dr. Shear’s recommendations have experienced unprecedented growth in student achievement and graduation rates, enhanced self-esteem among students, and improved school safety.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates