Every Other Weekend Coming of Age With Two Different Dads by by Anthony J Mohr (Author)

is a memior of a young boy and the two father’s he grew up with that brought into his life stepbrothers, stepsisters, and a stepmom. Leaving him wondering at times where be belonged. His dad was a Hollywood B-actor, a successful businessman—two fathers and what might surprise you is the step father was the parent that taught him the most.
Tony is a child navigating the divorce of his parents and his life with two separate families while attending Beverly Hills High School which I would like to have went to as well. Although I’m sure it wasn’t anything like 90210. Through it all Anthony became a superior court judge in Los Angeles . The book is one you will not want to put down and once you close the last page you will be wanting the Author to write another book about his life.
About the book:

Anthony’s father, Gerald Mohr, is a well-known radio actor before slipping to the Hollywood B-list thanks to the advent of television. Accepting the lead in a dying Swedish TV series, he falls for the script girl and divorces Mohr’s mother, who goes on to meet and marry another divorcee, credit card industry pioneer Stanley Dashew.
As his stepfather’s career rises and his biological father’s eases downward, Anthony tries to find his place. One weekend he’s sailing on his stepfather’s fifty-eight-foot catamaran; the next, his Swedish stepmother tells him that they’re poor. Coming of age in a time when divorce is rare and viewed as shocking, Anthony lives at the edges of what others regard as a dream world, a place where reality and fantasy blend, maps lead to the homes of the stars, and obstacles abound.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates