I would love to have a yard where I was able to have lots and lots of flower gardens but living in a rent house and not, knowing if we would be asked to leave or not I hate investing in the yard.

Not only that there is children in and out of the yard all the time and dogs running through the grass and digging up holes. Getting grass to grow in our yard is impossible.
When I want flowers I end up at my mother in laws as she has all the flowers I would like to have. Sherry spends hours outside in the evening watering her flowers.
Sherry getting older it’s hard on her to get outside and if Charlie isn’t home she doesn’t have anyone to help her in her yard. Through eve aqua Smart Water Controller we don’t have to worry about Sherry.
With Eve Aqua, control your sprinkler via your iPhone, Siri, or the onboard button. I was excited to find out that we can set the flow and it will shut off automatically. Allowing us to track water usage.
Sherry can use a sprinkler and turn on exactly when watering is needed, automatically. Or Sherry can activate her irrigation from anywhere, and leave it be. Eve Aqua converts your outdoor faucet into an intelligent water outlet. So you can keep your garden green, with little to zero effort.
Leave it to its own devices.
Eve Aqua is built to live autonomously. Schedules work independently of any wireless connection. A handy child lock prevents unwanted watering. Which is wonderful because there is children in and out of Sherry’s yards at all times.
IPX4 water resistance plus Australian-certified UV protection keeps Eve Aqua shipshape season after season. I also like knowing it will last Season after Season saving us money and keeping us from having to replace this each year.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates