It’s Wednesday, May 8, 2019, and time for Language Arts and this morning I would like to share a Recommended Website with everyone. The new resources is Essortment

Age Range: 13-18 (Grades 8-12, with parental supervision)
This massive website has hundreds of articles on a variety of topics. Today we will focus on some of the Language Arts articles.
The content of the FREE articles is quite useful. Here are some of the topics:
How To Use The Semicolon Properly
How To Write Song Lyrics
Effectively Writing A Complaint Letter
How To Improve Writing Skills With Writing Exercises
The Eight Parts Of Speech
Grammar & Punctuation: Proper Use Of The Colon
Emily Dickinson Poem Analysis
And more!
Each article is short and to the point, making this a great reference site for any kind of writing assignment or endeavor. NOTE: Parents, as always, should preview the site to determine the suitability of content.