Essential Oils As A Stress Reliever

The Mommies Reviews

When you are stressed, you lack peace. Sleeping becomes a problem and you tend to become less productive. Stress affects both the mind and body. You might be wondering if there is any solution to that. You are not alone. Essential oils can be a great help in relieving stress.

Essential oils for stress relieve

Scents are potent. They can evoke emotions or remind you of something. Essential oils have always been used to cure different ailments for many centuries. Since stress and fatigue tend to affect the memory and emotions, essential oils alleviate stress and can contribute to the well being of such places.

Some studies reveal that certain essential oils that are used in aromatherapy can reduce stress and help you enjoy your sleep. Here are some essential oils that are known to be great stress relievers.

  1. Rose

If you have ever passed near a Rose flower, you know the recognisable aroma that it has. The reason why Rose essential oil is expensive is that it needs about 60,000 roses to make one ounce of essential oil.

According to a study done in 2009 about Natural product Communication, those who received Rose essential oil and placed it through their skin felt a feeling of relaxation and calmness.

Their blood pressure and breathing rate also reduced. A different study also revealed that when rats inhaled Rose essential oil, it decreased anxiety in them. You can use this essential oil by applying it to the skin directly after mixing it with vegetable oil. You can also put a few drops of this oil on bath water.

  1. Lemon Balm

This essential oil is commonly used in Europe as an anxiety and stress reliever. A particular study conducted in France by a plant extract company called Berkem showed that it reduced anxiety-related symptoms at the rate of 72% after using it for one day. Lemon Balm also has antiseptic qualities. You can mix it with vegetable oils, rub them on your hands and breathe in the aroma.

  1. Lavender

Most studies show that Lavender has relaxing effects. Another study showed that Lavender essential oil aromatherapy calms down the nervous system. Apart from this, Lavender oil reduces heart rate, blood pressure and skin temperature.

This essential oil is also capable of changing the brainwaves so that they can be more relaxed. If you have had mild Insomnia, this is the solution for you. It also helps to reduce depression and anxiety especially to women who have postpartum depression.

  1. Lemon or Yuzu

Can you imagine essential oil that reduces anxiety in just 10 minutes? That  is what you get from lemon or Yuzu. A particular study showed that Yuzu alleviates stress shortly after arriving at your body and has effects that last for nearly half an hour. Yuzu is an East Asian yellow citrus fruit that is common in Asian cuisine.

In the 18th century, the Japanese people used Yuzu in hot baths to alleviate stress. Other studies revealed that lemon increases the heart rate. You can, therefore, use lemon and Yuzu and see how it will help your body.

  1. Vanilla

Have you ever had a pleasant scent that reminded you of somewhere particular? Vanilla has a lovely scent that gives you the memory of baking cookies and other delightful delicacies. This scent gives a warm, and relaxed feeling from within The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre performed a study on patients undergoing MRIs.

This study showed that those patients had less anxiety when they breathed in Vanilla scented air than those who did not. To use Vanilla, put a few drops of Vanilla into a bath. Alternatively, mix it with vegetable oil and rub it into the nape of your neck.

Other ways of relieving stress

You will be surprised to note that stress management is something that you can do easily using straightforward tactics. While these suggestions may not be able to get rid of what is stressing you, they can help you feel better when you are feeling stressed. Find out below.

  • Listen to music

Are you feeling overwhelmed by a stressful situation? It’s time to listen to relaxing music. Play calm music and enjoy its positive effect on your brain. It helps to reduce blood pressure. It also reduces the hormone linked to stress called cortisol.

  • Talk to a friend

I noticed that when I have a pressing issue, talking to somebody makes me feel better. You need to maintain good relationships with your friends if you want a healthy lifestyle. A friend will give a reassuring voice, and that will help you feel better.

  • Eat the right diet

Proper eating helps you to reduce stress levels. Most times, people eat sugary foods when they feel overwhelmed. Fruits and vegetables and can be a great solution.

Essential Oils As A Stress Reliever

You know how terrible it feels when you are stressed up. Sometimes you may not have an immediate solution to your problem. Finding a way to release your stress is right for your health. It helps you to avoid health issues that result from stress. Consider trying essential oils for relieving stress and try the other methods too. Keep yourself calm, as you deserve peace of mind.