Enjoy a Money-Saving, Blowout Orlando Weekend at Disney

The Mommies Reviews

Enjoy a Money-Saving, Blowout Orlando Weekend at Disney

Enjoy a Money-Saving, Blowout Orlando Weekend at Disney

Nothing compares with the excitement of experiencing someplace new. There are a million ways to have fun while sightseeing, so it’s practically a guarantee that you’ll feel good vibes. The downside is that travel is expensive. Fortunately, you can lower the cost without sacrificing any of the joy. Incorporate these strategies from The Mommies Reviews into your travel preparation rituals for enhanced cost-cutting and maximum entertainment.

Picking Your Destination

Your first responsibility is choosing where you want to go. You don’t have to leave the country to feel like an international traveler. Just decide on a locale that’s the polar opposite of where you live. One of the most popular, unique and fun choices is Walt Disney World in Orlando.

There’s so much to see and do (and eat) within the confines of the park that this is one of those times where advance planning is crucial and familiarizing yourself with your destination really pays off – especially since cramming everything into a day trip is nearly unthinkable. Many families spend the better part of a week enjoying the rides, musical performances, and other attractions. From the seemingly endless list of things to do, the must-see agenda includes:

  • Cinderella’s Castle
  • EPCOT Center
  • Space Mountain
  • Thunder Mountain
  • Splash Mountain
  • Pirates of the Caribbean ride
  • Haunted Mansion

The kids can get their exercise climbing up the Swiss Family Treehouse, and family downtime can be had with a picnic on Tom Sawyer’s Island or drifting along on the Liberty Square Riverboat. And the trip doesn’t have to put you in debt. Many travel agencies and online booking sites offer discounts that make tickets, passes and hotel stays very doable. 

You’re bound to take dozens of photos to capture all the fun moments. While you’re onsite and upon your return home, you and your family will likely post your adventures on social media, which calls for reducing the size and often cropping to fit whichever platform you’re on (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Fortunately, a free online image resizer can be used to quickly and easily adjust the size and dimensions of your photos to fit any site, including your own website if you have one.

Packing for Your Destination

Remember that you’re going for a good time, not to put on a fashion show. Only bring fancy threads when you’re heading someplace with a dress code, such as a luxurious restaurant. Call ahead to learn a particular dining establishment’s rules. Check weather apps to anticipate if heavy or light clothing is what you should bring. Put liquids in sealable bags; that way, there’s less chance of shampoos and colognes ruining essentials. Interrupting your plans to go underwear shopping is a bummer. Make sure there’s enough room in your suitcase for carrying souvenirs home.

Before You Leave

Once you’ve made plans and booked itineraries, some essential tasks should be checked off before heading out. Be sure to double check that all the doors and windows are locked. Make sure the security system is on, and set auto timers for the lights. Shut the garage and, if possible, lock it as well. Also do a thorough cleaning throughout the house so you don’t have to tend to that chore when you come home.

Traveling to Your Destination

Make getting where you’re going easier on yourself. Bring a book or a tablet to stave off boredom. If you can, nap during the journey. Sleep experts at Johns Hopkins suggest taking melatonin before takeoff. Bringing a neck pillow is also wise. Before you know it, you’ll be at your stop feeling refreshed. AirHelp suggests booking tickets at savvy times for the best prices. Another option is driving. It may cost less, and you’ll be able to check out roadside spots along the way.

Soaking Up Your Destination

Research what you want to see and do. Above all, this will call for good time management, so break activities down to bite-size levels and use a calendar or planner to plan and refer to as you enjoy your vacation. This includes planning for meals, too, so map out the restaurants you intend to visit, as well as where the nearest grocery store is so you’ll have plenty of eats for downtime in the hotel room.

Keep in mind that buying tickets for attractions in advance often nets discounts. If you have AAA, find out if membership offers further savings. Set your alarm to avoid missing activities that are time-specific. Leave enough wiggle room for spur-of-the-moment decisions and chilling out. What’s most important is that you enjoy yourself. 

Weekend getaways can be thrilling adventures, and the right approach means they don’t have to be expensive – especially if you plan ahead! Let these tips guide your next escape from work-life drudgery.

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Image via Pixabay

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates