Anyone who knows me knows I love MUSIC. I have a couple singers I want to see in Concert one day. One of them was Elvis which will never happen although my daughter has gotten to meet Elvis in person because I know there both in Heaven.

Then there is Elton John and Rod Stewart who I want to see before I get much older. Although I wish they would do a Concert together because that would be the Ultimate Dream for me.
Although I can say I saw Elton John in Concert because I attended ELTON JOHN VIDEO DANCE PARTY at Alamo Drafthouse Las Colinas. Even though ELTON JOHN VIDEO DANCE PARTY will be playing in North Richland Hills this weekend I didn’t want to wait.
I was afraid David and Charlie wouldn’t want to attend ELTON JOHN VIDEO DANCE PARTY because it’s about a hour away from our home and there was a bad Storm that afternoon. Although they knew how much I wanted to go so they went with me.
I let Charlie and David know this was a Dance Party. I wanted to dress up. With the Storm I wasn’t able to stop and get Sunglasses and Boa’s which was okay because the Theater had props for us to use.
David and Charlie thought they was seeing Rocketman which premiers on May 31st. I reminded them we were attending ELTON JOHN VIDEO DANCE PARTY. They would have to wait and see what would happen.
Although I did give them fair warning I would be singing and dancing. Which Charlie was okay with and used to me doing. David, said he would sit somewhere else but he was kidding with me.
Once we got inside and ELTON JOHN VIDEO DANCE PARTY started I was surprised the event wasn’t full. There was only 8 of us in the Theater and I believe that was due to the Weather so make sure you book your tickets for
ELTON JOHN VIDEO DANCE PARTY before this weekends event fills up.
Once the Concert began and David saw the lady next to us singing and he heard me singing he began to sing as well. Which I knew would happen. Before you ask yes, Charlie knew the songs and he also sang along.
If your looking for me on May 31st you will find me at one of Alamo DraftHouses watching Rocketman. I’m not missing Rocketman and I’m hopping I can get my sister and my best friend Debbie to attend
Before you ask me isn’t Rocketman Rated R? Yes, it is and I will see the movie before I bring Charlie. Then if there is nothing horrible in Rocketman I will let Charlie watch the film.
We will be using Movies in our Homeschooling Music Class this Summer. Which is why I took Charlie to ELTON JOHN VIDEO DANCE PARTY. Once the concert ended Charlie and I had fun discussing the songs we heard.
David was a little upset because they didn’t mention Elton’s Song Pinball Wizard which was a Beatles song in ELTON JOHN VIDEO DANCE PARTY . After talking to the DJ and finding our why David understood why it wasn’t in the concert.
I’m off to see if I can find a T Shirt with Pinball Wizard on it for David for our Anniversary tomorrow or the movie. Because I know David would love having these Gifts.
Did you know Kohl’s and Hot Topic’s has T Shirts with Elton John on them. I can’t wait till I’m able to purchase a shirt for Charlie and I. If you have a T Shirt share a picture of it with us.
I would like to share a fun fact with you when we were at Alamo DraftHouse this weekend they had t Shirts with Pretty In Pink on them. I want to get a shirt for myself because Charlie and I love this movie.
Along with Disney Glasses I would like to purchase and collect. The glass that caught my eye was Mary Poppins.David liked the Star Wars glasses. I just wish they had Dumbo glasses.
I hope the North Richland Hills Theater starts to sell these items because Las Colina’s is the only location I have seen them at so far. Or David will have to bring me back out there.
Which would be fine because I would like to look around because the Theater is at Toyota Music Factory. The other night we saw a couple restaurants we would like to have dinner at but first we will have dinner at Alamo Drafthouse.
Alamo Drafthouse Las Colinas is along John Carpenter Freeway, so the Alamo Drafthouse team had some fun with the posters inside. Except for the giant, vintage sci-fi posters, all of the movie posters in the hallways are for films made by movie director John Carpenter (It’s a funny twist since the Freeway is named after a completely different John Carpenter)! Ha!

We’ve all been there: wandering aimlessly around the city, wearing giant sunglasses and a sparkly jacket with garish feathers sticking out of it, wondering, “Where do I fit in?”
Well, you can rest assured that there are no sunglasses too big, no jacket too plumaged for your friends here at Alamo Drafthouse. To prove it, we’re throwing a party in honor of the most ostentatiously attired knight to ever walk the Earth, Sir Elton John, and his exciting new biopic, ROCKETMAN.
Because this is a Dance Party, you and your friends have the entire theater (and fun props) at your disposal. So you can pound the keys on our inflatable keyboards, then sing and dance through the aisles, all backed by some of the greatest rock anthems of all time. Whether you’re fist-pumping to “Bennie and the Jets” or swaying tearfully to “Candle in the Wind,” it’s going to be an unforgettable experience.
So throw on your electric boots and mohair suit and join us for a magical night with a magical knight.
DIRECTOR STARRING Elton John AGE POLICY 18 and up; Children 6 and up will be allowed only with an adult. No children under the age of 6 will be allowed.

Described by director Dexter Fletcher (BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY) as a “musical fantasy,” ROCKETMAN is a dream-like interpretation of Elton John’s incredible rise to success. Starring Taron Egerton (KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE) as Elton and Jamie Bell (BILLY ELLIOT) as his lyricist and collaborator Bernie Taupin, it tells story of an artistic friendship amidst the insanity of public life and self-destruction.
No typical biopic, this film eschews the history books and favors playful invention over fact-checking. But instead of glorifying Elton, it shows all the ugliness and vulnerability of a real human being shoved into the limelight. Featuring colorful interpretations of his ‘70’s hits (and outfits), ROCKETMAN is a freewheeling, joyful look at a difficult period in a rock legend’s brilliant career.
Dexter Fletcher
Bryce Dallas Howard, Richard Madden, Taron Egerton
18 and up; Children 6 and up will be allowed only with an adult. No children under the age of 6 will be allowed.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates