Electrical Safety Tips You Need to Know to Protect Your Home

The Mommies Reviews

Electrical Safety Tips You Need To Know To Protect Your Home

Electricity is an essential part of the modern home. You often take it for granted. Turning a light on as you arrive home, charging your mobile phone, even turning the television on. These are all things you do without thinking about the electricity that is used. 

But, the truth is that 76 Australians are killed because of electric shocks every year. That’s why it is important you understand basic electrical safety tips and adhere to them.

Regular Inspections

Most people grab a reputable Sydney electrician before they buy a property and have the electrics inspected. Its good for safety and can help with negotiations. However, electrics that are in good shape then may not be in the same condition a year later. Age, pests, and other issues can cause the wires to perish, creating short circuits and increasing the risk of a house fire. 

A regular inspection by your qualified electrician can confirm your system is safe or highlight potential issues that need to be looked at.


Electrical burning is a very distinctive smell and is usually a result of bad wiring or overloaded circuits. One thing is certain if you smell electrical burning you need to shut off the power to the circuit and have them properly checked. 

Of course, you may be able to see that a specific socket is overloaded. In this case, unplug some of the appliances and move them elsewhere. 

Buzzing Noises

If you hear a buzzing noise from your sockets or light switches then there is a good chance that the wires are damaged or perhaps even touching inside. You’ll want to refrain from using the socket or switch until it can be properly assessed and repaired. 

Visible Damage

Damaged light switches, burned or discoloured sockets, and visibly damaged cables are all signs that you have a problem with your electrics. Visibly damaged cables are at high risk of causing fires. That is not something you want to deal with. 

All damaged cables need to be replaced as soon as possible. You can do these yourself or get the electrician to do them for you.


Any appliance that is plugged in uses power, even if it is just on standby. That means unplugging the appliances can save you money.

But, unplugging also reduces the risk of an overload or power surge. A voltage surge can be caused by a lightning strike or simply by surges in the power delivery system. This can blow your appliance, meaning you have to buy another. 

A big enough surge can also start a fire, that’s a risk you don’t need to take.

Keep It Tidy

Untidy cables are a trip hazard as people will forget they are there and stumble on them. This can cause injuries. It can also pull appliances off surfaces, potentially damaging them and even causing them to spark or start a fire. 

Put your cables in proper conduits to reduce the risk of tripping and associated electrical issues.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates