Effective Weight Loss Tips for Parents

The Mommies Reviews

Staying at home 24/7 can be a pain especially if you have little kids and could also increase your weight due to  doing less activities. When you are in quarantine, never forget these effective tips for losing weight while you are at the comforts of your home.

Always Move Around

Since you cannot go to the gym to workout and you do not have the right equipment at home, do not just sit around and wait for the gyms to be open but you should do other things to make your body active. If you have kids, then what better way to stay active than to play with them. You can play hide-and-seek, tag and many other games involving body movements.

Aside from playing with you kids, you can also do chores around the house. Why not clean the attic or the garage while you are at it? Cleaning keeps your body moving and helps promote good blood circulation and improves your heart’s health.

Drink Water As Often As Possible

Drinking water more than eight glasses a day can really help you lose weight because water helps suppress your hunger and make you eat less. On the other hand, drinking less than eight glasses will make you eat more and cause you to have a very low energy. 

If you think drinking just water is boring, you can infuse it with any fruit of your choice. One good example of fruit or vegetable infused water is lemon and cucumber water, which is good for burning fat and improving your immune system.

Eat Healthy and Fibre-Rich Food

When we are cooped up in our homes, we tend to want to eat sweets and junk food more than fruits and vegetables. Desserts and chips have high saturated fats and calories that stay “a moment on the lips and a lifetime on the hip.”

Instead of eating unhealthy food, you should just eat fruits and vegetables instead. For example, if you are craving something sweet just grab an apple or banana from your pantry and munch on them while you watch your favorite movie or TV show. There are other healthy substitutes for unhealthy food that you can look up online.

Get a Decent Amount of Sleep

All the tips I have mentioned above are also some of the things that give you a good night’s sleep. Getting more than seven or eight hours of sleep, no more no less, is vital in your weight loss journey.  

Sleeping for a lesser or greater amount of time can give you a bigger appetite and a result, it makes you want to eat more. Having a decent amount of sleep can also improve your immune system, lower your stress level and keep your heart healthy.

These are just some simple and effective ways to stay healthy and lose weight while you are in the comforts of your own home. You can come up with new ways to stay healthy as the days of quarantine go by.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates