Easter Shopping Guide 2022: Swiff

This is a review for Swiff which you will find inside out Easter Shopping Guide 2022 and also this review as I was sent samples to out.

Charlie being a boy can be so funny at times as well as annoying but as his mom I love him no, matter what. Although there is times, I would like to ship him to his grandmothers. Especially when he comes in from outside playing Basketball and he wants to sit down with me on the couch but he stinks and I mean stinks.

Now I don’t have that problem as I make sure Charlie uses deodorant on himself and before putting his socks because his feet can make a grown man faint from the smell. While Charlie is getting dressed, I spray his shirt and socks with Swiff and when David isn’t looking, I also spray his shirt that he is going to wear to work that day.

I wasn’t going to say anything to Charlie because I wanted to see if it worked and also see if Charlie and David noticed a difference in their clothes. But the other day Charlie caught me spraying his shirt. Charlie asked me what I was doing, and I went over Swiff and how it worked and why I wanted to try it out.

Charlie being Charlie grabbed Swiff and went up to his David and said dad did you know our clothes have been wearing deodorant. I wish you could have seen the look on David’s face. But once I explained what Swiff was and how it worked David let me know he had noticed his shirt wasn’t smelling like it usually did.

Swiff has become a must have products not only in our home but in our Gym bags the car and also in David and Charlie’s lockers at work and at school. If you haven’t had the opportunity to try out Swiff you should as soon as possible and I must tell you I was going to add Swiff to this years Easter Shopping Guide 2022 for Tweens but life got in the way but you can bet your bottom dollar its going to find it’s way inside Charlie’s Christmas Stocking this year and for years to come.

A Deodorant Free Way to Stay Smelling Fresh This Summer

Fight back against unwanted odors naturally with SWIFF – a chemical-free deodorant replacement that’ll keep everything smelling fresh from your shirts’ armpits to your tennis shoes to your dog blanket.

This unique blend of antibacterial silver and organic plant antioxidant beats the stink before it can get started. 

SWIFF Highlights:

  • Odorless, colorless, and stain-free
  • Free from chemicals, PFAS, parabens, and propellants
  • No aluminum or nanoparticles
  • Organic, vegan, and cruelty-free
  • Pet and Kid safe
  • Stink stays away for at least FIVE washes, and potentially up to 50!
  • Fits in your hand and easy to take on the go
  • Made in America!

Keep this compact spray bottle ready in your car, gym bag, carry-on, or office desk and go stink free when needed!

More info & how to use: HOW TO USE: Spray the silver 5-10 times on problem areas like armpits. Spray the plant antioxidant 15-10 times on the same area. Let it air dry (about 5 minutes) and you’re ready to go! If the spray droplets bead up on your fabric, let the spray sit for 5 minutes and then gently spread it over the object with a tissue and let it dry. 

  • Avoid the stink BEFORE it happens!
  • Pre-treat clothes, shoes, gear, etc. by simply spraying them (even works on suit coats, dog beds, upholstery, & more)
  • Stink stays away for at least FIVE washes, and up to FIFTY washes!
  • Free from Chemicals, PFAS, Parabens, and Propellants.
  • Organic, Vegan, and Cruelty-Free.
  • Pet-Safe and Kid-Safe.
  • Fits in your hand and easy to take on the go!
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