I wanted to share a review for Earth Breeze who sent me 1 package of unscented and a package of scented eco-sheets in exchange for this review.

When you have a 15 year old that says he doesn’t want anything at all for Christmas. But you need to purchase Gifts for him not only for Christmas but his Birthday. You try to think of out of the box Gifts. Which is why in Charlie’s Christmas Stocking he found Earth Breeze Eco-sheets in unscented.
In our Homeschool Charlie is taking a Home Economics Course which includes Lifestyle Classes including Cooking, Auto Body and Housecleaning including Laundry. When Charlie leaves for College or moves out he will be able to take care of himself.

I must admit I couldn’t wait to try out scented eco-sheets because using the Public Laundry in our apartment complex sometimes the clothes smell musty as the machines are older. Now we do not have that problem as our clothes come out fresh smelling.
The scent isn’t overpowering and doesn’t give either Charlie or I a headache. Our clothes come out cleaner looking and even David’s work clothes look new. David was surprised when he went to the Laundry with me.
I opened up the package and pulled a sheet out and placed it inside the washer. As I did David said why are you putting a dryer sheet in the washer. I handed David the package and he couldn’t believe it was Laundry Soap and wasn’t sure how well it would work.

Once his clothes came out of the washer he was a believer and wanted to purchase unscented sheets for his mom because she has to use fragrance free cleaning supplies due to her Allergies and Asthma. If your looking for a new and unique laundry product I hope you check out Earth Breeze Eco-sheets.
Each package comes with 60 sheets. You sign up for the delivery service of 1, 2, 3, or 4 month supply which saves us time and gas because we can shop from our home. In our garden Charlie can use the package because its’ Biodegradable and Compostable Packaging.

If your looking for a way to make money on the products your friends and family use then you should check into the affiliate program.
As we speak, we are processing 2 packs (1 of our unscented and scented eco-sheets)
Follow Earth Breeze Eco-sheets on Instagram
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates