Drawing Nature The Creative Process of an Artist, illustrator and Naturalist

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a new book called Drawing Nature The Creative Process of an Artist, illustrator and Naturalist from by Linda Miller Feltner (Author. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the products you purchase.

Drawing Nature The Creative Process of an Artist, illustrator and Naturalist would have been a wonderful addition to Our Homeschooling Art Class. As you know Charlie has graduated but that will not keep us from using this book when we want to draw.

Charlie’s favorite section in the book was learning how to draw Birds and his favorite Bird was the Owl in memory of my mom. I liked the feathers and all the colors they used. David thought the Skelton was cool to look at.

There is a section called Educational Animals which is perfect for Teachers and Educators. I enjoyed seeing the man sitting on the ground which reminded me of Charlie and I when we would sit on the floor and color and draw together.

The illustrations like the one preventing pollution would make a pretty picture to hang up in a office. I love how the Author reminded us to ” bring your curiosity, wander, with a chance to pause, engage all the senses, and let the restorative power of nature fill your immganation.

I hope you take the time to check out Drawing Nature The Creative Process of an Artist, illustrator and Naturalist and you take the time to share this Art Book with your friends and family. If your looking for a Coffee-Table book this is it.


A visually stunning exploration of the artistic process by an award-winning nature artist

Drawing Nature presents the creative process of an acclaimed nature artist, guiding readers from field sketches to finished art and demonstrating how science and the close observation of nature can be integrated into the artist’s work to create dynamic, meaningful images. With chapters that flow from drawing basics to more advanced methods and concepts, this beautifully illustrated book is like a look inside the artist’s sketchbooks to discover their secrets.

Linda Miller Feltner demonstrates how observation and recording are sparks to creativity. Her journey from loose sketches and drawings to a completed work begins with observing a natural process, object, or interaction between organisms. Her curiosity generates scientific inquiry that, when researched, helps her to answer a question or make broad, often surprising connections. Blending examples of her stunning artwork with invaluable insights into time-honored art techniques, Feltner illustrates how sketching, developing an image, and scientific accuracy are essential to her art and encourages each of us to cultivate our own powers of observation and discover anew the world around us.

Drawing Nature enables us to look at nature through an artist’s eyes, draw inspiration from a place or a moment, and give expression to its beauty.

Meet the Author: Linda Miller Feltner

Linda Miller Feltner profile image

Linda M. Feltner is an award-winning nature artist and educator. She combines the creativity of fine art with Scientific accuracy into what has become her trademark. She aims to provide a spark—to awaken curiosity and invite questions. Linda travels through many habitats that intrigue the senses, encounter mysteries, and reveal the relationships in nature. She relishes painting an animal’s physical features and takes great pleasure in visually portraying further insights about its lifestyle.

Her areas of expertise include painting and drawing, teaching, and maintaining her flourishing freelance business in fine art and educational interpretation. She served as President of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (2016-2018) and is a Signature Member of the Society of Animal Artists and Artists for Conservation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates