Dr. Seuss Birthday is March 2nd. I put together a Dr. Seuss sensory bin for Charlie to put together and I also plan on sending this to my sister for Lily and Jason.


Assorted red and white items.
We used cotton balls, feathers, legos, mini clothespins and glittery Christmas scatter
Measuring spoons, tongs and other fun items to pick up the items in the bin with.
A large tray or a plastic storage bin.
Pour pluffle on to a tray or into a storage bin

.Make sure you take a moment to squeeze, form and otherwise take in the pluffle; it is a great sensory play option and adults will enjoy the texture too.
Next, offer your child an assortment of red and white items.

We used tiny clothespins, legos in red and white, feathers, cotton balls, and Christmas scatter that was glittery and red.
Encourage your child to recreate the stripes of the Cat in the Hat’s hat.
This is a great opportunity to use fine motor skills with the spoons and tongs.

Encourage your child to try placing the items with those tools as well as their fingers.
When play time is over, you can snap a lid on the bin, or put it all back in the pluffle container for future play sessions. Pluffle never dries out!

This is such a great idea for my daughter’s class. They’ll be celebrating Dr. Suess Day soon, and I will let the teacher know about this.