On Wednesday or Thursday in our home it’s Family Day for us as this is the day’s David is off. If we don’t have event for my site, then we go to the Movies. With Spring Break being this week, most Theaters were hosting Kids Movie Festivals. The only one I didn’t think about was DownTown Cowtown at the Isis.
While on Facebook for work I came across the Poster with their information for Kids Movie Day. I went to the website to see what Movies was playing. I knew I wanted to take Charlie to at least two of the movies if not stay all day. I called David at work and went over the movies with David. David said we could go.
As I was working my sister texted and let me know she wanted to spend the day with us and bring my niece Lily and my nephew Jason over to play. I let Debbie know that would be fine, but Charlie and I were going to the movies. They could come with us if they wanted to.
I got up yesterday morning and called Debbie and let her know Charlie and I were going to go Shoe Shopping before we went to any Movies. As we were talking, she said she wasn’t sure the kids would sit still in a movie, and it might be better to go to a park and play.
I asked both David and Charlie what they wanted to do because I really wanted to go to the movies that morning to see The Land Before Time. Charlie and David said we could have lunch and go to the park and the next time this movie was showing we would go and see it.

I agreed because I didn’t want any drama especially with the 15th being my parents Anniversary and my sister and I wanted to celebrate them as there gone now. We ended up at Dairy Queen for Lunch. Then we went to a new park I had found.
Once the kids finished playing, we went to my house so they could play Basketball. With the understanding they would leave no, later than 7pm because Charlie and I were going to see the Iron Giant. My niece Alyssa texted my sister and told her there was no, hurry in bringing the kids home because her and David had to run a errand.
Debbie let her know I wanted to take the kids to the Movies at 8. Debbie and I both knew Alyssa and David would say no, we couldn’t bring them. But that didn’t happen Alyssa said if that was what David and I wanted to do they could come with us.
We gathered the kids up and asked them if they wanted to go on an Adventure. Lily and Jason said yes. Off we went to Sonic to get them dinner. Then we went to Downtown Cowtown at the Isis to see Iron Giant which is Charlie’s all time favorite movie.
This is only the second time I’ve ever gotten to bring them to a movie. The first time was to see Pikachu at Alamo Drafthouse for All You Can Eat Ceral and now that there closing, I didn’t think I would have the opportunity to bring them to the movies again but thanks to Downtown Cowtown at the Isis I have a safe place to bring the kids.
As well as to celebrate my parents Anniversary as they would come here when they were dating. My sister had been wanting to come and hadn’t had the opportunity so thank you, Downtown Cowtown at the Isis for hosting this event and giving me the perfect place to spend time with my family.
As we were leaving Debbie and David and I looked through all the Posters and Debbie pointed out a lot of things she would like to attend. As for us both David and I can’t wait to bring Charlie back for Beyond The Mat because Charlie and David eat, breathe and sleep Wrestling. Just mind you this is Rated R and before you ask are you going to allow Charlie to see a Rated R Movie yes, as long as I am with him.

Debbie and I would like to come back and see Marty Haggard while my nephew Jason asked his Uncle David to bring him to see 05.07.22 JURASSIC PARK. Then this morning while I was on the website I saw ROBIN – THE ULTIMATE ROBIN WILLIAMS TRIBUTE EXPERIENCE which I know my sister and David would enjoy and could attend in Memory of my daughter Suzzie.
I may have to go get a real JOB because there is something happening almost each week that I would like to attend and bring someone I know with me. Although, if I ask David for the money, he will say I am going to break him and that might be true, but I need to get out and see these shows… LOL
Like everything else I will put it in the LORDS hands and believe I can make enough money through my website to purchase all the tickets I need for myself and Charlie to attend the shows and as for my friends they may just have to purchase their own tickets because I can only do so much.
If you’re Homeschooling this is the perfect Field Trip as the Theater is filled with History and it’s in the Fort Worth Stockyards which has Museums and Restaurants like Riskey’s Steakhouse which is full of History, all you need to do is ask the Staff.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates