Don McLean’s American Pie: A Fable 

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for Don McLean’s children’s book a fable “American Pie which I received in exchange for this review.

I had Charlie listen to the song before we read the book but you don’t have to. I just wanted to share a song I’ve always loved with Charlie which he can study in his Homeschool Music Class.

I picked up my copy of the book this morning with the song playing in the background when David came and sat down beside me. David asked what I was reading and I began to read the book out loud to David. Charlie heard me and he joined me on the couch and read parts of the story with me.

When I finished I asked them if they knew why American Pie was playing in the background. Both of them said no. I explained who the Author was which Charlie said he can’t wait to study in our Music Class this year. David went over some of the songs he had written which Charlie recognized.

As they finished talking Charlie said mom, I love this book and how the newspapers brought the little boy a friend. Charlie and I had fun discussing how when I was a child there really were paperboys and what there job was. David let me know he thought this new book would make a fun song.

Charlie and David had rfun discussing the illustrations and the colors used in American Pie. Charlie let me know he wished there was more books because he would like to see what else the little boy did with the guitar which I also would like to know.

I let David and Charlie know having a copy of American Pie was like meeting my idol in person. One day I would like to attend his concert. More than that I would like to meet him at a signing of his book. Charlie said he would as well and he knows his grandmother would love the book because she also listens to his music.


A long, long time ago…

…in a small town, there lived a lonely newspaper boy. 
So begins this heartfelt story inspired by one of the most iconic works of American rock-n-roll.

Don McLean’s “American Pie weaves elements and themes from the classic song with experiences from the singer-songwriter’s own early years into a stunningly visual and uplifting tale for all ages. This fable reveals the emotional journey of a newspaper delivery boy in the late 1950s who discovers the joy of friendship and music, eventually learning that when you recognize what truly makes you happy, you’re never really alone. 

Released in 1971, “American Pie” was named one of the top five songs of the century by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Recording Industry Association of America and the original recording was selected for preservation in the National Recording Registry by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically or artistically significant.” 

Lushly illustrated and poetically written with numerous nods to the nostalgic themes and cryptic lyrics of the beloved song, Don McLean’s American Pie: A Fable is a picture book McLean says he hopes will become a bedtime standard for families. 

Whether you read this as a prequel to the musical masterwork, or as a tale of growing up, or as a beautiful exploration of finding inspiration, Don McLean’s American Pie: A Fable will both enhance the song for fans of Don McLean and introduce a world of imagination to young readers who have not yet experienced this generation-defining music.

Experience the story behind one of the most iconic songs of the last 50 years and discover some of its secrets. Don McLean’s American Pie screens in selected cinemas starting Thursday, July 14. Book tickets now; I do not, know how I missed this but what I can tell you is if it happens again I will be the first one in line. Would you like to go with me?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates