Does your bathroom need a brightening scent? I have been blessed with our trailer to have two restrooms. Having two toilets allows Which Charlie his. Only Charlie refuses to use it as he doesn’t like how low the tub is on the floor. There isn’t a separate shower in Charlie’s restroom which Charlie was having.
The only time someone uses Charlie’s bathtub is when my dad comes and visits. As Charlie and David both like my shower and well as the Garden Tub in my restroom.

If I get anything for the restroom I will have to share it with both David and Charlie. I can still hear my mom saying we have to share, but, I do not like to. Especially when it comes to my shower and the items, I get for myself. I would like to let you know Aroma Sense contacted me to do a review for them it made me so happy that I wanted to do a Happy Dance. Then I thought why as the boys would want to try out Aroma Sense as well. But then I thought since Aroma Sense comes with a fragrance pack it might put them off.
As soon as Aroma Sense arrived, I opened it up. David saw me opening a package and asked what it was. I showed him it was a new Shower Head I didn’t tell David that Aroma Scent comes with filters that contain a scent as I wanted to see if David would notice a smell or not.
David opened up the shower head from Aroma Sense and asked me if I smelt something, and I tried to keep a straight face and said no, I didn’t. But that didn’t work so I had to explain Aroma Sense to David and once I did he said I do not think I will use this shower head. I was so surprised and grateful as I finally had something to myself.
Then I had to show Aroma Sense to Charlie, and he said it smells like a girl so, I am not going to use it ever, ever ever. So as soon as Charlie decides to get out of my shower, I can’t wait to put it up and take a shower. As I love the scent, it comes with because it smells calm and fresh.

I am not one who usually likes Citrus smells this one is so calm and fresh that I am sure it will become the only Shower Head I use. I am sure once it is up that both Charlie and David will also want to try it out and will fill the same way as I do.
David asked me how long the filters last and how we would replace them when I run out, and I let him know they last from 45 to 60 days, and he liked that a lot. We wouldn’t always need to order filters. David says if I want the shower head as much as I think I will say he will need to purchase me more filters.
David also thinks his mom and my stepdaughter would like Aroma Sense and that they would make an excellent Wedding Gift for Leslie and a beautiful Mother’s Day Gift for his mom. As well as great gifts for my sister and sister in law.
I agreed with David because Aroma Sense is new and unique. Aroma Sense wouldn’t be anything they would have bought for themselves. Aroma Sense would allow us to pamper them which I know they would be grateful for with Mother’s Day right around the corner.
I would like to ask if you have heard of Aroma Sense. If you used it what did you think of it and if not is this something you would use yourself? Or do you think it would make an excellent gift for someone you know and why?
Well, it is official I love love love my Aroma Sense, and it is the only shower head I will ever use. I demand everywhere I go and visit to have one. Or if not I need to purchase an extra one I can take with me wherever I go as this one helps me relax and I don’t need a Body Spray after taking a shower which will save me money. So when we move to a new home, every bathroom we have will have this shower head and if the guys don’t like it, they can go somewhere else to take a shower and bath. LOL
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates