Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. Team Celebrating Our Differences and Diversity with Inclusion Book 4- Goldie

The Mommies Reviews

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Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. Team Celebrating Our Differences and Diversity with Inclusion Book 4- Goldie
Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. Team Celebrating Our Differences and Diversity with Inclusion Book 4- Goldie

I thought I would come back and share another book from Doctor Olkin series which I received for this review. Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. team Celebrating Our Differences and Diversity with Inclusion Book 4- Goldie by Dr. Terri Howard-Hughes.

Charlie and I were a little upset to finish Doctor Owlkin and the series which we hope Author Teri Howard- Hughes and Clint Hughes comes out with more books in this series. Inside this book all the illustrations were created by Bijan Samaddar. I can’t wait to see if he creates other books we can check out in the future.

In Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. team Celebrating Our Differences and Diversity with Inclusion Book 4- Goldie. we meet Goldie another Dog that if Charlie and I could have we would have brought home with us. Just look at the cover and all the animals who look so happy to be together. Like one big family I would like to be part of. How about you

Before I share more of my thoughts on this children’s book with you I would like to know the Authors gives back to My Possibilities which I hope you take the time to check out as soon as possible. The take time to examine every picture which has a hidden heart for you to find. Charlie and I will be looking for them in our Art Class and drawing what the heart looked like and where it was found out. Would you like to join Charlie and I on our Scavenger Hunt?

Goldie lives with Mrs. Burke but before this Goldie lived in a shelter just like my dog Pheobie did. Goldie is a Service Animal and we learn where she went to school which I would like to take Charlie’s Dog Bear to as well as Pheobie and Annie. As you learn with Goldie who only has 3 1/2 legs you can do anything you want as long as you try. Just like the Little Engine Who Could.

Mrs Burke begins to have trouble getting out of bed, so Goldie does more for her. Mrs. Burke waits on the bench in the park for Goldie to come back. Weasles arrive and start bullying Goldie. The Weasles take off with Mrs. Burke but a Cat helps Goldie rescue her. next a Rabbit appears who gets rid of one of the Weasles.

More of the H.O.M.E. team shows up and also the father to the Weasels and before you ask what happens next I am not going to tell you. You need to pick up your own copy of Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. team Celebrating Our Differences and Diversity with Inclusion Book 4- Goldie which you should share with anyone who has been bullied.

Book 4 – Goldie

Goldie was born with her right forearm missing but still was able to become a support dog. She lives with a squirrel, Mrs. Burke, as her caretaker. One day when Mrs. Burke and Goldie go to the park some weasels grab Mrs. Burke and take her into a hole in the ground. Goldie runs to save her as The H.O.M.E. Team arrives to help.  

Will the bullies beat Goldie and The H.O.M.E. Team or will the Goldie and The H.O.M.E. Team outwit them?

Meet the Author: Terri Howard- Hughes

Dr. Terri Howard-Hughes was born in Dallas, Texas. Her father was a war correspondent and information officer for General Clay post WWII. He covered the Nuremberg trials for Esquire magazine and wrote 35 novels and screenplays. Howard-Hughes followed her father’s footsteps, getting her bachelors (journalism) and masters (radio/TV) degrees from Southern Methodist University, graduating at the top of her class. She went on to receive her Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Dallas in Art, Technology and Emerging Communications.

Howard-Hughes worked as a newspaper reporter and assistant producer on the TV show Today’s Family, which covered all aspects of raising children. She wrote, directed, produced and edited an award-winning informational video for ITIP – Infant and Toddler Intervention Program. ITIP is an organization that design special programs to address the educational and developmental needs of very young children with disabilities. She also produced videos for the Rise School which exists to give the highest quality of early education services to children ages six months to six years with and without disabilities in an inclusive environment.

Howard-Hughes has had her company, Mediaforce Productions for 22 years, producing hundreds of corporate videos as well as short films and documentaries. She is using her storytelling expertise from video scripts in writing these books for children. She has won 36 international and national awards for her writing, editing and video production.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates