Welcome to the 4th of July as we get ready to make dinner before heading out to see Fireworks this evening. I wanted to bring you a new children’s book Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. Team Book 3 – Pirate: Celebrating our Differences and Diversity with Inclusion Which is both sad but nice because Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. Team Book 3 – Pirate: is part of the series which means there is just one more book in the series which stinks. Before I share my thoughts with you I wanted to remind you I received this series of books in exchange for this review.
Charlie was upstairs working on Homeschool work this morning when I picked up Pirate and began reading the story. Before I knew what happened I had finished the book and couldn’t wait to get upstairs to share the story with Charlie. I believe this book is my favorite in the series because they discovered a Rabbit with a hurt eye from the storm that. happened.
Doctor Owlkin took care of the Bunny King Tux and Trouble named Pirate. We learned that with his one eye he taught everyone how to look at the world differently. Now all of the animals live together helping others and if you ask Charlie and I we would like to meet them all and see their home and help them help others because no, matter how different someone might be you can still make them your friend and part of your family.
About the Author: Dr. Terri Howard- Hughes

Dr. Terri Howard-Hughes was born in Dallas, Texas. Her father was a War correspondent and information officer for General Clay post WWII. He covered the Nuremberg trials for Esquire magazine and wrote 35 novels and screenplays. Howard-Hughes followed her father’s footsteps, getting her bachelors (journalism) and masters (radio/TV) degrees from Southern Methodist University, graduating at the top of her class. She went on to receive her Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Dallas in Art, Technology and Emerging Communications.
Howard-Hughes worked as a newspaper reporter and assistant producer on the TV show Today’s Family, which covered all aspects of raising children. She wrote, directed, produced and edited an award-winning informational video for ITIP – Infant and Toddler Intervention Program. ITIP is an organization that design special programs to address the educational and developmental needs of very young children with disabilities. She also produced videos for the Rise School which exists to give the highest quality of early education services to children ages six months to six years with and without disabilities in an inclusive environment.
Howard-Hughes has had her company, Mediaforce Productions for 22 years, producing hundreds of corporate videos as well as short films and documentaries. She is using her storytelling expertise from video scripts in writing these books for children. She has won 36 international and national awards for her writing, editing and video production.
The H.O.M.E. Team means Help Or Motivate Everybody
The Doctor Owlkin book series wants to teach children that in many ways, everybody is “different.” All children, even those with disabilities, just want to be loved, encouraged, accepted, appreciated, and included! Both children and adults will learn that being different can be the best thing about yourself.