Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. Team Book 2 – King Tux: Celebrating our Differences and Diversity with Inclusion

The Mommies Reviews

Before I head out to walk, I wanted to bring you book two in the series based on Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. Team Book 2 – King Tux: Celebrating our Differences and Diversity with Inclusion. I’m excited to let you know the company blessed family received all four books in the series You can check out review one here.

Throughout these books you will learn how to celebrate our differences and diversity with inclusion

In book two we meet a little kitten who is picked up from a shelter by a mean old man named Mr Grumps. Taken to hi house and dumped into a barn to catch Rats. In the barn Tux meets anew Cat named Scooter. They become friends and work together to get hs collar off so they can find place for the Mouse to live.

In the end the Mouse moves to the Pond with his family and the Cats are safe as they leave Mr. Grumps. but to find out what happened to them you will need to read The H.O.M.E. Doctor Owlkin and The H.O.M.E. Team Book 2 – King Tux because I didn’t want to spoil the story for you. Which will teach you if you don’t give up things can work out for you.

King Tux is picked up from a shelter by mean old Mr. Grumps. Mr. Grumps wants King Tux to kill the mice in his barn because they scare the horses. King Tux does not want to do this. He meets another cat, Scooter, who also lives in the barn. Together they plan an escape.

Will they succeed or will Mr. Grumps stop them?

About:: Dr. Terri Howard-Hughes

Dr. Terri Howard-Hughes was born in Dallas, Texas. Her father was a war correspondent and information officer for General Clay post WWII. He covered the Nuremberg trials for Esquire magazine and wrote 35 novels and screenplays. Howard-Hughes followed her father’s footsteps, getting her bachelors (journalism) and masters (radio/TV) degrees from Southern Methodist University, graduating at the top of her class. She went on to receive her Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Dallas in Art, Technology and Emerging Communications.

Howard-Hughes worked as a newspaper reporter and assistant producer on the TV show Today’s Family, which covered all aspects of raising children. She wrote, directed, produced and edited an award-winning informational video for ITIP – Infant and Toddler Intervention Program. ITIP is an organization that design special programs to address the educational and developmental needs of very young children with disabilities. She also produced videos for the Rise School which exists to give the highest quality of early education services to children ages six months to six years with and without disabilities in an inclusive environment.

Howard-Hughes has had her company, Mediaforce Productions for 22 years, producing hundreds of corporate videos as well as short films and documentaries. She is using her storytelling expertise from video scripts in writing these books for children. She has won 36 international and national awards for her writing, editing and video production.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates