Do You Suffer From Hiatal Hernia? Read This…

If you are experiencing abdominal discomfort, it might never have occurred to you to get help from a Chiropractor.  If this is the case, then you need to think again. A chiropractor can help you to deal with the abdominal stress that you might be experiencing, even if you have had the issue for a long time.

When you have a hiatal hernia, it simply means that your stomach experiences spasms from time to time, which causes the stomach to push the diaphragm up. This can be quite uncomfortable. Some of the symptoms that you will experience when you have this problem include:

  • Heartburn
  • Panic attacks
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Nausea
  • Reflux
  • Pain in the upper part of the abdomen

This condition might vary from mild to severe. If you have a serious condition, then it might be necessary for you to undergo surgical intervention. However, if your case is not severe, then a chiropractor can help you.

The chiropractor can do this by carrying out manual adjustments, which will allow them to manually push down your stomach so that it goes back down below the diaphragm. In addition, they will make suggestions on some diet changes that you can make, so that you can avoid foods that cause acidity.

This manual procedure and the dietary changes can help provide you with immediate relief. Alternatively, it can provide gradual improvements over time, as the manipulations are done over and over during different sessions with the chiropractor.

Finding chiropractic care

When looking for a chiropractor who can provide you with these services, make sure to find a chiropractor who has specialized in this area. For instance, you can find one

The reason why chiropractic care is so effective is that it deals with the root cause of this problem.


During treatment, you will either be expected to stand up against the wall, or you will have to lie down flat on a bed. You will experience a little bit of discomfort during this procedure. During the procedure, consider taking deep breaths and then exhaling deeply. This will help to minimize the discomfort that is experienced.

In order to get long-lasting results, it is quite likely that this procedure will have to be repeated again and again.

In addition, the chiropractor can also perform a procedure that is known as a diaphragmatic release. This helps to release any tension on the diaphragm and the surrounding muscles.


Some people might suffer from a hiatal hernia and not even know that they do. Therefore, if you know an individual suffering from heartburn, acid reflux and chest pains, let them get evaluated for a hiatal hernia.

All that they might need to deal with this condition is to go for a natural method of healing. However, it is essential that you realize that chiropractic care will not completely resolve this situation. Nevertheless, it will provide great relief for the symptoms experienced. This will make your life much more manageable.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates