With Charlie struggling with Reading I wanted to make sure he practices every day this Summer. This morning I would like to let you know Kids Discover offers us Differentiated Reading Levels.
I like knowing I can chose which level of books I want Charlie to try and read books from. If the level is to hard or to easy we can pick another level to try.

Support Differentiated Reading Levels with Kids Discover Online
Not every child reads at the same level… and that’s okay! What’s challenging for one reader may come easily for another. That’s precisely why we’re proud to offer 3 Lexile® Reading Levels for over 90% of the Topics in Kids Discover Online! Kids Discover Online allows each of your students to read at their own level and pace .Check it outfor yourself!
Here is just a few of the topics you will be able to chose from: Life On Earth, What’s in the Sky Above?, An Introduction to Galaxies, Would You Like to Be an Astronaut, Feathers and Flight, A Balanced Diet, The Journey of a Raindrop, Ecologists to the Rescue
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates