This is a review for Desktop Dog Park (RP Minis)

My desk seems to stay so cluttered no matter how many times a day I clean it because its’ in the living room and people think it’s a catch all. Although, I do have a small set of animals that mean a lot to me up on my computer monitor no, one is allowed to touch. I thought about adding Desktop Dog Park (RP Minis) to it but there isn’t room.
Not, only that I am sure as soon as Charlie see’s the little dogs he is going to grad it for his room. Which is why you will find it inside my Gift Closet to go inside Charlie’s Christmas Stocking this year. That is if David doesn’t see it this morning while I am working and decide he needs it or gives it to Charlie.
Here is a fun fact as I was looking at the Dog Park I saw the Fire Hydrant which I thought was so cute and wanted to keep for myself. I was good and once I tool pictures and played with the park for a bit I did put it back into the box which was hard to do because mom’s need gifts as well. Especially with Mother’s Day right around the corner.
The nice thing is Desktop Dog Park (RP Minis) comes with 5 Dogs so you can play by yourself or with friends. There is even grass for the Doggies to play on and yes, there is enough space the Dogs shouldn’t argue but there like kids and might. As soon as I took the dogs out of the box and saw the Rottwater or what I thought was one I knew David would take him.
The nice thing is Desktop Dog Park (RP Minis) comes with 5 Dogs so you can play by yourself or with friends. There is even grass for the Doggies to play on and yes, there is enough space the Dogs shouldn’t argue but there like kids and might. As soon as I took the dogs out of the box and saw the Rottweiler or what I thought was one I knew David would claim him which was fine with me because they scare the heck out of me.
Then there was a little brown and white dog that looks like one Charlie watches on TV I knew he would claim if David didn’t take him. A White Labor Golden Retriever which I wouldn’t mind having but figured they would want and since I didn’t want any drama, they can have it. One that looks like a Pomeranian Charlie said. This puppy would be the perfect size for me when I am out walking. I could get this puppy a purse and take it everywhere with me. But who knows Charlie might claim it as well. Leaving me again with nothing. Although I could take Charlie on a Homeschool Field Trip to a Toy Store and pick out my own doggy for the Dog Park. Would you like to go with me?
Last not least was a brown Dachshund or Weenie Dog and I knew as soon as Charlie see’s it he is going to snag it because that is what his dog Bear is. Although David loves Weenie Dogs and might try and snag it first. I am just going to stand back and see who wins although I can tell you if I know David the way I think I do he will give it to Charlie.
If your Homeschooling your children and studying animals or dogs you should check out Desktop Dog Park which will keep your children entertained for hours. Or you can do like I am and give this set to a Mom who loves Dog for Mother’s Day to go in her special place. Although David might also like the set for Father’s Day.
For our Homeschool Reding Class today Charlie is going to read through the DESKTOP DOG PARKS A Field Guide and inside the book is words we can add to our Spelling list this week. In the book you will be introduced to the dos which is Dash the Dachshund, Maxine the Labrador, Bean the Pomeranian, Rosie the Rottweiler, and Rilo the Corgi. At least I had a couple of them right earlier. So I didn’t totally fail.
What’s more entertaining and joyous than a trip to the dog park with your pup? A Desktop Dog Park you can enjoy during work hours! Create your own canine oasis with this adorable kit, featuring the world’s most well behaved dogs.
Kit includes:
- 5 tiny resin dogs of various breeds
- 1 tiny fire hydrant (for when nature calls)
- A felt “lawn” to set the scene and keep your pups contained
- A 32-page mini book exploring the goings-on at the neighborhood dog hangout
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates