There has been something on my heart I have wanted to share with everyone for a while. I didn’t want anyone to know I was suffering with Depression. I thought it would be embarrassing to let others know I have been dealing with Depression.

Until yesterday when I found myself wanting to nap the day away. As a business owner you have jobs that needs done, a home to run and a family to take care of.
All I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and sleep. I checked on all my friends and made sure they was okay. I got dressed because it was expected of me.
I went to dinner with my family. I went to pay bills. I came home and watched a friend promote her business to support her. All the while inside I was screaming.
Then last night I could heard the Lord speaking to me he was telling me to not give up to put one foot in front of the other. I would like to say things will get easier but I will struggle every day of my life..
The panic attacks I am having are getting worse. I don’t like leaving home. I am gaining weight and can’t seem to lose it. Because I will not get up and do anything about it.
I know I need to walk but I don’t want to leave my home. When I do I am afraid I will not be able to find the people I went to the store with. I do make myself go to lunch once a week with my friend.
I know she has issues of her own and needs a friend. I listen to her and I think to myself I know how your feeling but I don’t talk to her about because I don’t want to worry her.
I would like to say I can do it all and I will be here for everyone but I just don’t know how much longer I can hold on. I need help and I need it now. This week I will be changing things I am going to push myself to get out and move.
In the meantime I wanted to share the poem below with you so you can get a ideal of how someone who suffers from Depression might feel at any given time. Remember if someone is smiling it doesn’t mean there not hurting and hiding things from you because they don’t want to be a burden to you or there family.
It occurred to Pooh and Piglet
that they hadn’t heard from Eeyore for several days, so they put on their hats
and coats
and trotted across the Hundred Acre Wood
to Eeyore’s stick house. Inside the house was Eeyore.

“Hello Eeyore,” said Pooh.
“Hello Pooh. Hello Piglet
” said Eeyore, in a Glum Sounding Voice
“We just thought we’d check in on you,” said Piglet, “because we hadn’t heard from you, and so we wanted to know if you were okay.”
Eeyore was silent for a moment. “Am I okay?” he asked, eventually. “Well, I don’t know, to be honest. Are any of us really okay? That’s what I ask myself. All I can tell you, Pooh and Piglet, is that right now I feel really rather Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All.
Which is why I haven’t bothered you. Because you wouldn’t want to waste your time hanging out with someone who is Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All, would you now.”
Pooh looked and Piglet, and Piglet looked at Pooh, and they both sat down, one on either side of Eeyore in his stick house.
Eeyore looked at them in surprise. “What are you doing?”
“We’re sitting here with you,” said Pooh, “because we are your friends. And true friends don’t care if someone is feeling Sad, or Alone, or Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. True friends are there for you anyway. And so here we are.”
“Oh,” said Eeyore. “Oh.” And the three of them sat there in silence, and while Pooh and Piglet said nothing at all; somehow, almost imperceptibly, Eeyore started to feel a very tiny little bit better.
Because Pooh and Piglet were There.
No more; no less.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
I had a feeling, but never wanted to embarrass you by saying anything. I am always here for you and you can unload whatever you’re feeling to me anyti. The Bible even tells us that … “ We are to bear one another’s burden’s@ I love and ilm always here for you.