Watch this video, create your own :30-second anti-distracted-driving PSA and you could win $2,000 from our friends at Findlay Automotive Group.

Create your own 30-second PSA video to educate Las Vegas drivers on the dangers of driving distracted and you could win $2,000 cash prize for you PLUS your PSA could air on TV!
Use the Resources below to find facts on the dangers of distracted driving that you can use in your video PSA. PSAs can be live action, animation, claymation – use your imagination! Check out the FAQ’s and Official Rules for more information.
The deadline for entries is Sunday, February 10, 2019.
Don’t forget to review this checklist before you submit your video!
I’m currently between the ages of 13-18
I currently reside in Clark County, NV
My video is :30 seconds in length
My video file is smaller than 20MB
My video file format is either a .mov, .mp4 or .wmv
My video educates the public on dangers of distracted driving and/or promotes the benefits of safe driving
My video contains my original work only and no copyrighted or trademarked materials
If I collaborated with others to create my video, I am the designated group leader
My entry is accompanied by my parental consent form
Get Started Here!
Enter by completing this form.
See official rules here
* is a required field
Download Form
Team Leader – First Name *
Team Leader – Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Please list your other team members, first and last names here, if any:
School Name
Teacher Mentor
Link to Video Submission (copy and paste URL here)
I agree to the terms & conditions
My age is 13 to 18 years (must be to enter)
I have emailed my signed Parental Consent Form to iChoosetoDrive@gmail.com
I have read and understand the Official Rules.
Every day you make a thousand decisions, big and little ones, which impact your future. When you get behind the wheel, make the smart choice and put your phone away. Don’t drive distracted. The choice is yours. Choose to drive.
“The best way to end distracted driving is to educate all Americans about the danger it poses…Together we can help save lives.” (Distraction.gov)
Your personal safety is important to us. Phone calls, text messages, using GPS, fixing your hair in the mirror, adjusting the radio – little distractions can add up to big trouble behind the wheel. Keep your eyes and mind on the road.
Click here to watch and vote for the winning video!