December 5 International Ninja Day #InternationalNinjaDay

The Mommies Reviews

Back in 2003, Ninja Burger created International Ninja Day on December 5th as a way to celebrate the Ninja “speed” with which their Burgers are delivered. Aside from that, ninjas are awesome.

We all love ninjas and secretly wish we were one. On International Ninja Day, wear a ninja mask to work to plague your co-workers with ninja-ness and throwing stars! If you have the day off dress like a ninja and go to the Mall or run wild in the streets.

It’s said that December 5th was chosen for the first International Ninja Day because the Tom Cruise movie “The Last Samurai,” which featured a Ninja-vs-Samurai battle, was released on that day. Looks like I have a new Tom Cruise movie to watch. Would you like to join me for #moviuenite?

In the years since the celebration has grown and gained press in stages, its creators playing on the fascination Americans have always had for the black-clad assassins, from the original issues of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” back through swordplay-focused games like the old table-top “Dungeons and Dragons,” not to mention a slew of Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris films from the 60s and 70s.

But the satirical website and its creators’ motivations are secondary to the intention: December 5th is the one day a year where you won’t catch strange looks for saying “Haiii-yah!” as you swoop in and grab a Donut out of the box in the meeting room.

Get in fake-karate fights, throw paper clips as if they’re shuriken, heck, grab a cup of Sake after work. On Day of the Ninja, you hold the key to the mystical power! The question is how do you plan on celebrating International Ninja Day and why?

I thought I would share International Ninja Day FAQs with you which may sound hilarious but there are videos attached to the joke and a quick online search will lead you to Ninja Burger’s vlog series, “Ask a Ninja,” among other sites and videos. You can also start with the official page,

There are comic strips, several short films, the above-mentioned role-playing game, a card game, a multimedia CD, and a book titled, “Ninja Burger Honorable Employee’s Handbook.” All are fun, but here’s an insider tip: start with the 2001 first-edition role-playing game and see what it reminds you of…

The question today is are there many real ninjas around these days? We don’t know for certain, but there are reports that suggest there are still one or two surviving ninjas left in Japan. If you have the means and opportunity to go to Japan see if you can find one or two.


  1. If your thinking of maximizing those natural ninja talents of yours a couple karate, judo, or ninjutsu classes can’t hurt.
  2. Dress like a ninja in black sweats, headband, and hi-tops with a sleeveless black T would be perfect today. Making you look sort of like a “Mortal Kombat” look alike. But of course, your ninja costume should be unique.
  3. Play the “Ninja Burger” RPG 2nd edition, where you can choose specific roles within the Ninja Burger franchise you’ll be working at, like “driver,” “baker,” and so on. Give it a go for the retro value.


  1. #Teachingmoment; The very first historically confirmed ninja was Otomono Sahiti, who worked as a #Spy under Japanese Prince Shotoku. I didn’t know that. Did you?
  2. In Japanese mythology, the first ninja was descended from the Spirits and appeared as a half-man, half-Crow.
  3. “”In the year 1162, Japan’s first ninja school was founded when a fallen Samurai decided not to kill himself as custom would dictate, but rather to spend his retirement teaching.
  4. According to Smithsonian’s research, an engineer named Jinichi Kawakami is likely the last living ninja and one who complains about teaching that students cannot try out murders or poisons.
  5. Not unlike other tradesmen of their era, ninjas would pass their skills (in this case martial and espionage knowledge and methods) down to their sons and daughters, who would in turn teach their children, on down through time.


  1. The word ninja can be used as a compliment including in a sales office, where you might hear someone speak of the top seller, “She’s our ninja.” Or if a friend of yours dropped something but caught it before it hit the ground, you might chuckle, “Ninja!” Comments like these are especially appropriate on December 5th.
  2. Ninjas are mysterious and aside from the fun of the Ninja Burger satire, real ninjas inspire us the way the antihero or the underdog always does in film and in books. The image of the lone figure with a life-and-death job to do, speaks to us and today, contemplate why that’s true.
  3. It’s nice to let your guard down and it can be quite tiring and cause a lot of anxiety to keep up your “game face,” day in and day out. “Let your hair down,” is a phrase we believe in, and there’s no better day to do so than International Ninja Day. Is there?

Back in 2003, Ninja Burger created International Ninja Day on

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates