December 19 National Hard Candy Day #NationalHardCandyDay

The Mommies Reviews

December 19 National Hard Candy Day #NationalHardCandyDay is a favorite of young and old alike, and National Hard Candy Day on December 19th, recognizes the sweet tooth in all of us. I remember as a child my dad always had Hard Candy out at Christmas time and still did as all of us kids grew up and had our own children.

The funny part is even David knows my dads favorite Christmas Candy and makes sure I have a Peppermint Stick and hard Candy during Christmas to celebrate my parents with. Before you ask David eat the Candy with me and my sister but Charlie passes on Old Fashioned Christmas Candy but Charlie enjoys the Giant Peppermint Sticks.

Did you know most hard Candies are 100% sugar with flavoring and colors added? To achieve a hard Candy, confectioners boil a Sugar Syrup to 320 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the temperature is reached, the hot, pliable Sugar is poured into molds or rolled and folded into shapes and left to cool. Once cool, solid Sugar becomes hardened and brittle.

The first hard Candies, including Lemon Drops and Peppermints, were likely prescribed as a remedy for stomach ailments. Hard Candy became popular in the seventeenth century as Sugar prices fell. Previously, hard Candy was something that only the well-to-do could afford. By the mid-1800s, over 400 companies were manufacturing this popular treat.

Did you know in 2015, Jolly Rancher surpassed Werther’s Original as the best-selling hard Candy. Can you believe that? Other popular hard Candies include Dum Dum Pops, Life Savers, Tootsie Roll Pops, and Charms Blow Pop.


Enjoy your favorite hard Candy while shopping for some to taste, and be sure to pick some up to fill those Christmas Stockings, too. National Hard Candy Day is also an excellent time to discover the history behind your favorite hard Candies.

If your #Homeschooling your students you could have them read about many of the Candy makers from bygone days or who are still producing our favorites. Watch videos showing you how these colorful Candies are made, too. You will be amazed at how innovative each Candy maker had to be to develop their own unique process. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates