December 10 National Lager Day #NationalLagerDay

The Mommies Reviews

December 10th is National Lager Day #NationalLagerDay which is a wonderful #Holiday to celebrate with my husband for all the hard work he has been doing to keep us from losing our home. With the #Holidays around the corner I was thinking of creating a #GiftBasket full of Lager Beers but I’m not sure what to purchase. Do you have any suggestions?

National Lager Day may not be the only day we enjoy this light, crisp, blonde adult beverage, but it sure is the one day we celebrate National Lager Day which falls on December 10th. Lager is the drink of choice for many at sporting events, backyard barbecues, baby showers, and funerals.

Lager is the light hoppy drink that is popular throughout the world. No one really knows how National Lager Day came about, but one thing is for sure, America loves this Beer. Or at least it seems like they do doesn’t it?

Beer is consumed throughout the world, which means there are a variety of Beers you probably haven’t tasted yet. Invite your friends over and require them to bring a Lager from a Beer of a specific Country. You’re tastebuds will thank you.

If you have the means and the opportunity set up a Facebook event page and have your friends form teams (of 6) for your very own Beer Olympics! Popular games in the series should include: Beer Pong (obvi), flip cup, and other bro-tastic drinking games. One rule: Lagers are the only Beer allowed.

There are many delicious recipes that require the use of Beer. Some popular items that you may not have known include Lager, are Carne Asada, Can-Can Chicken, Beer Dip, Chocolate Guinness Cake, and other boozy dishes

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates