May 7th 30 Days- Self Love Challenge Day 7

It’s May 9th and I’m on May 7th 30 Days- Self Love Challenge Day 7 through this challenge I ‘ve learned it’s okay to make mistakes and to get behind on things.

We just can’t beat ourselves up over these things. We just need to either play catch up or move on and start on the day everyone else is on. As you can see I decided to play catch up and I am almost there.

On Day 7 – Self Love Challenge! our Journal Prompt- was to List 3 ways you can stop the negative beliefs you have about yourself!

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Here is mine- I need to do this too!

1. I beat myself up emotionally a lot and I never feel good about myself or think I am good enough. It’s time to stop this even if it means seeing a counselor.

2. Stop being negative about my home and my family. If I am not happy then I need to move on and stop being ugly to them. They don’t deserve this and no, child should live through there parents fighting all the time.

2. Stop tearing Charlie down and get him help because as he grows up he is going to hate me and I don’t want to lose my son because I do LOVE him and telling him I don’t or that I want to send him away is wrong and it’s sick.

Would I have done this to Suzzie honestly I am sure I did. Does this make me a bad mom yes, but can I change it? Yes, I can and yes, I need to know before its to late.

Remember you can get the journal through Pam’s ETSY page- by using the link you will save $1 OFF the purchase price! As your purchasing your journal pick one up for your friends or family.

Thank yu,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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