Good morning, I am so happy to say I was able to get in my 7500 steps yesterday in the Age Disruptors Perimenopause-Menopause Support & Solutions. Did I think I could do it? Yes, I did but at times during the day I begin to doubt myself. My sister was supposed to come over at 1 to walk. Debbie texted and let me know she wasn’t feeling good. Thank the LORD she didn’t come over because we found out she had COVID.

David came home and he went walking with me outside. Then we found out we needed to go to Walmart and Cracker Barrel which allowed me to get steps in. Then we came home and Charlie tried on the clothes we got him. While I went out and walked. David decided he wanted Quesadilla’s for dinner.
David let me know he was going back to the Neighborhood Walmart to pick up the ingredients he needed to make dinner. I went with David because this would allow me to walk and get in more steps. Once we got home I sat down to work. Before I knew it it was 6pm and I still needed 2500 steps off I went to walk.
It was getting chilly and walking outside was bothering me. I went inside and walked a bit but while David was running a errand I went back outside and I am proud to say I got all my steps in. I didn’t go much over 7500 but I did make it and that is what counts isn’t it? If your looking for a way to get your steps in come and join us in the challenge as it goes until the 16th.
Today I am heading out to walk around the complex twice this morning with Phoebie. We are leaving at 9am for a event in Dallas, Texas at 10 this morning. we will not be back until late this evening because we also have a Movie Screening in Dallas at 7pm which means we will not be back until 10 or 11.
Who knows if I will get my steps in or not but its okay I am putting it in the LORDS hands and I’m not going to stress over things I can not change. In the meantime please PRAY for my sister who has COVID and that our family will not catch it. As well as for my best friends mom who was taken to the hospital last night.
Check out Day One, Day Two here
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates