May 3rd 30- Days Self Love Challenge Day 3

The Mommies Reviews

How are you? Today is May 3rd and tomorrow is my sister’s Birthday.We may or may not see Debbie today to go walking. If we do then I need to hurry as I have a lot to do this morning. Including May 3rd 30- Days Self Love Challenge.

To begin with before I get Charlie up for school this morning I wanted to share the prompt for DAY 3- 30 Day Self Love Challenge! If you haven’t joined us there is still time.

Journal Prompt~ List 3 Ways You Will Show Self Love Today

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Here is my list!

1. I will make myself a Bubble bath and my favorite snack and grab the novel I am reading and take a nice long bath. Just sitting in the tub relaxing and blocking the world out.
2. I plan on taking a walk or Bike Ride through my neighborhood with my dog Sandi who I haven’t taken on a walk in a while. By myself with the sounds of nature for my company.
3. I plan on putting a puzzle my mother in law gave me and turning it into a picture to decorate my office with.

I hope you can take this challenge and do 3 things for yourself today! Let me know if you want!

Remember you can get the journal in Pam’s ETSY store

That link will give you $1 OFF!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates