I have always said David and I feel in love when we was 15 years old. This is a picture of David ad I’m sure he was in his twenties here. The picture is from when I wasn’t around.

David is in the back on the left hand side of the picture next to the gentleman in the black cowboy hat. I believe that is Travis David’s brother Bo’s best friend.
Bo is David’s baby brother and is in the white cowboy hat. Then Mike is right behind Bo. Mike is the middle brother and was one of me best friends in High School.

As you look at the 3 brother do you see any resemblance? Does David look like he does now? To me David doesn’t and he also doesn’t look like the man I feel in love with in school.
If I had meet this David I am not sure from his look I would have. Because he wasn’t the Cowboy I had always dreamed of. But like everyone we all change.
All I can say is I am grateful I feel in love with David in High School and not the one in the picture because this is when he was drinking and doing drugs all the time.
The Lord knew it wasn’t the right time for us and had David and I not get back together until he was clean. Which I’m glad the Lord waited because if he hadn’t David and I wouldn’t be together today and there wouldn’t have been a Charlie.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates