Easy-to-Use Homeschooling Resources: Just Open & Go, No Prep-Work! Created by Daily Skill Building. Including Daily Skill Building: Vocabulary – Grade 6 Second Edition and Food Notebook – Companion to Food Anatomy by Julia Rothman I want to check out for Charlie.

I want to see if we have the money to purchase Daily Skill Building: Vocabulary and Spelling Grade 6 Bundle. As Charlie moves through this book we can move up to 7th Grade.

Spelling – 230 pages, Vocabulary 201 pages
Are you looking for resources that don’t require planning or teacher’s guides? Discover the ease of using curriculum that encourages independent study!
Do you love notebooking? Then you will want to check out the Daily Skill Building notebook companions for popular books loved by homeschoolers.
They have resources for the following subjects: Bundle & Save, Daily Skill Building Vocabulary, Daily Skill Building: Spelling, Julia Rothman Companion Notebook Series, Master Books Wonders of Creation Companion Notebook Series, Science and Nature Study Homeschool Resources, Reading Comprehension and Writing, Open & Go Unit Studies, Geography Curriculum and Resources, History and Government Resources
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates