Daily Practices Every Mom Should Follow for Overall Well-Being

The Mommies Reviews

Daily Practices Every Mom Should Follow for Overall Well-Being

The majority of people relate the concept of overall well-being with physical fitness and mental stability. However, this concept is much broader and more comprehensive. According to ancient culture, overall well-being is defined as harmony between body, mind, emotions, and spirit. 

If any of these four facets causes instability, it will affect your health to a great extent. As B.K.S. Iyengar has phrased:

“When one is free from physical illness, mental distractions, and emotional burdens, the gates leading to spirit connection open.”

However, to take care of each of these facets is easier said than done, especially if you are a mother. You might agree with the fact that it’s in the nature of every mother to put the needs of their children, partner, and other family members, before her own. So she often neglects her health, which eventually affects her severely. 

Fortunately, there are a few simple yet effective practices that you can follow to improve your overall well-being. Continue reading to learn! 

The Physical Health

Whether you are physically fit or not, it is very easy to determine. Different symptoms and tests can help understand your physical health. In case you are diagnosed with an illness, you can seek appropriate treatment to improve your health. On the other hand, if you are fit, it is essential that you maintain or improve your fitness level. 

Bear in mind a healthy body does not mean the absence of disease. It also means that your body is in harmony with other facets. So, you must follow a healthy lifestyle and live your life to the fullest. 

Practices To Follow: To ensure good physical health, you should take the following measure:

  • Do regular physical activity such as walking, biking, or strength training. 
  • Eat a well-balanced diet, including fluid (water and juices). 
  • Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep in a quiet and dark environment. 
  • Spend quality time with nature. 
  • Limit or avoid liquor and cigarettes. 

The Mental Health

There is no doubt that your mental health directly impacts your overall well-being. Good mental health promotes positive thoughts, reduces stress, and improves brain functioning. If you perceive mental health from a deeper level, it will also help reflect your belief, values, desires, and goals. 

Not to forget, when your mental body is healthy, it reduces the wear and tear of the physical body. That means if your mind is at peace, your body will feel more energetic and productive. It further promotes emotional stability and facilitates spiritual connections. In simple terms, all four facets are interrelated and influence each other. Thus, you need to keep your mental health in check.

Practices To Follow: You can try the following methods to look after your mental health:

  • Don’t hesitate to express your thoughts and opinions. 
  • Learn something new or do something which makes you feel happy. 
  • Begin your day with a positive affirmation. 
  • Practice gratitude. 
  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel loved and appreciated. 

The Spiritual Health 

Every person has an individual aura that helps them connect with their energy field. Some people refer to this energy as quantum energy- a scientific phenomenon. While others relate this energy with religion. Nevertheless, the ideology behind this energy or aura remains the same, i.e., connecting to your spiritual self and facilitating healing. 

Nevertheless, this type of healing generally begins with good mental health. It becomes relatively easier to work on spiritual connections and block negative energy when you feel content. 

Practices To Follow: The journey to connect with your spiritual body requires consistent and sincere efforts. Below are a few ways in which you can connect with your spiritual health and maintain it. 

  • Increase your faith by reading bible studies such as the perfecting of the saints and following the teachings of the apostles and prophets. You can also include your kids and partner in the learning process to create a spiritual foundation.
  • Deepen your connection to self during silent retreat or meditation.
  • Connect with the people who share the same ideology and beliefs as you. 
  • Learn to work with your energy using Huna, Reiki, Chi Gong, and Acupuncture techniques. 

The Emotional Health 

Last but most importantly, you need to take care of your emotional health. Your body is host to all the emotions that you feel on a daily basis, be it happiness or resentment. Typically, these feelings are a composition of your past, present, and future (presumed) experiences- both good and bad. 

If you are unable to keep control over these emotions, particularly the negative emotions, it will begin to influence your logical thinking and decision-making process. Needless to say, it will further affect your behavior and mental health.

In fact, several studies have shown that negative feelings such as jealousy, fear, resentment, sadness, etc., significantly affect your physical and spiritual health. On the other hand, happiness, joy, or gratitude can help improve your overall well-being. Therefore, developing emotional intelligence is crucial for you to stay healthy. 

Practices To Follow: Below are a few ways in which you can improve and maintain your emotional health. 

  • Take time for self-reflection. Write a journal often, if not every day, to understand your emotions more clearly. 
  • Learn how to forgive others as well as yourself. Do not self-criticize. 
  • Spend time cultivating positive feelings and be thankful for the opportunities given. 
  • Create mutual understanding and connection with others by communicating on a daily basis. 
  • Do not create emotional baggage. Speak about what made you feel hurt, what are the things you don’t like, or what triggers your anger. Talking about these subjects can help others understand your state of mind; thus, improving your connection. 

Wrapping It All Up!

Understand that you will be able to take care of others only if you are healthy in each of the four facets. And for that, you should follow the practices mentioned above. Obviously, improving overall health is a time-consuming process. You cannot accept results just within a few days. Even so, you need to be consistent and seek contentment, connection, and peace within yourself and with those around you.


Glenda, Charlie and David Cates