Daily Bizarre, Unique Calendar Holidays – April 13th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to share my latest post for Daily Bizarre, Unique Calendar Holidays – April 13th, 2021. Which of these Holidays would you most want to share and why?

Big Wind Day – this day blows me away!

Thank the Lord it isn’t Windy today as I plan on going walking. Instead I thought I would share one of my favorite songs about the Wind with you John Anderson Seminole Wind.

I have a question for you. Do you have a favorite song about the Wind? How about a book? I have a couple other songs I like and for a book it would be Gone With The Wind although it isn’t about Wind it has it in the title. Which counts doesn’t it?


We all get occasional windy days when you need to put rocks in your pockets before going outside, so you don’t blow away. Even without a hurricane or a tornado, it can get pretty windy anywhere on the planet.

Windstorms display the awesome power of nature. Did you know they can be deadly, dangerous, and even damaging. these storms can leave you without power.

On the other side of the coin, wind can be our friend. Wind helps to cool us down on a hot day. Sailors have used the power of the wind for thousands of years.

Christopher Columbus would never had landed in America, without wind in his sails. Wind powered turbines are dotting the landscape all over the world.

#HomeschoolTeachingMoment What is a wind powered Turbine?

Answer: the wind powered Turbine provide increasing amounts of clean electricity, to an energy hungry world.  

The wind does both good and bad , it’s only fitting, that we show our respect for the wind, by giving the wind it’s own, very special day.  

Big Wind Day commemorates the highest wind speed ever recorded on the planet. Can you guess where?  No, it wasn’t in the middle of a hurricane or a tornado.

April 12, 1934, the staff of the Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire, recorded the highest surface wind ever measured, anywhere on earth. This big wind was officially recorded at 231 miles per hour. Can you imagine the difficulties of even making a recording under those conditions back then!

Will this record ever be broken? Perhaps, but until then, enjoy Big Wind Day. Host a celebration celebrating the Wind by flying a kit or creating a picture of the Wind.

Not the “Big Wind” you expected– – When talking to the family about documenting “Big Wind Day, family members teased “quick everyone, get out of the room!”

Don’t let them FART around you which can also be the big wind and something Charlie and David would do.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

If only my mom was here for Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day with Pickles she would say. Because this is her favorite sandwich. Since she isn’t I think I will have a Grilled Cheese Sandwich for dinner in her memory.


Are you ready to chow down? I hope so, ‘cuz today is Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day.

Did you know people have been consuming the grilled cheese sandwich for ever. The roots go back to ancient Roman times, when bread was topped with cheese and melted.

It wasn’t until the 1920’s that sliced bread was created. Shortly after that, today’s grilled cheese sandwich began to be enjoyed by millions. 

What do you need to celebrate Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day? The ingredients are cheese, sliced bread, a little butter, and your appetite. Any cheese will do. If you are looking to be a little daring, add a couple slices of tomato or tuna fish to it, then grill it in a frying pan. Which isn’t for me. I want a plan Old Grilled Cheese Sandwich. What about you and why?

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

4 slices white bread

3 tablespoons butter, divided

2 slices Cheddar cheese I prefer Kraft American Cheese but you can use any type of Sandwich Cheese


Preheat skillet over medium heat. Generously butter one side of a slice of bread. Place bread butter-side-down onto skillet bottom and add 1 slice of cheese.

Butter a second slice of bread on one side and place butter-side-up on top of sandwich.

Grill until lightly browned and flip over; continue grilling until cheese is melted.

Repeat with remaining 2 slices of bread, butter and slice of cheese.

Did you know you can cook a Grilled Cheese Sandwich inside a Oven?

National Library Workers Day – Tuesday of Library week in April

Library super fans write letters of love and thanks to their favorite Library  workers | Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library

I wonder if the children’s librarian Suzzane likes is still at the Haltom Library. If so I should take her some flowers although she might not remember me.


Today is dedicated to Librarians, as well as all library staff and administrators. In recognition of the hard work and dedication for those that support our literary and reference needs.

When entering the local library, you will find skilled workers who will quickly and efficiently help your find information and books on just about any topic.

They’re knowledgeable, that sometimes you might think they’ve memorized all the books in the library. The Dewey Decimal System number and the shelf where they will be located. 

To celebrate this day, visit your local library. While your there, make sure to thank all the library workers you see. If you can it would be nice to take them a card.

National Licorice Day

Licorice Day, April 12 | Licorice, Day, Embroidered friendship bracelet

National Licorice Day is a day I don’t care about because I don’t care for Licorice. But my grandparents liked the Black Licorice and Charlie of course likes Red. I don’t know if David likes it or not.

Aren’t we lucky!? National Licorice Day. Licorice is one to celebrate the worlds favorite flavors. It is only fitting that we take a day to appreciate this great tasting herb… that’s right, Licorice is a herb. Which is a #HomeschoolTeachingMoment.

Licorice has been used for foods and medicinally, since ancient times. Licorice was even found in King Tut’s tomb. Another teaching moment for our children.

Licorice is best known for the candy that bears it’s name. The flavorshave been used for tea, foods and desserts, including alcohol and even tobacco products. Did you know you can even find licorice in cosmetics. Another teaching moment….

Did You Know? Anise and licorice have a similar taste. But, they’re not related.

Since ancient times, licorice has been used medicinally around the world, for a wide range of ailments. For this reason alone, licorice earns the right to have a special day of recognition.

Medicinal uses include: natural laxative, relieves menstrual cramps and discomfort of menopause, relieves pain and discomfort from ulcers, good for adrenal gland, cancer treatments for breast and prostrate. Lowers the effect of aging in the brain.

It’s easy to participate in National Licorice Day go to the store and purchase licorice candy, or anything that has licorice flavoring in it…… and enjoy!

International Day of Human Space Flight / Russian Cosmonaut Day

Minilab Celebrates the International Day of Human Space Flight! | Minilab  Studios

Space flight began with unmanned flights. Like any technology, this was a learning process and things went wrong. Once rocket science improved and became safer, Monkeys were launched into space, to test the safety of space travel and how it might affect humans. Finally, a human being was launched into space.

Russian Astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space on April 12, 1961 aboard Vostok 1. He spent 108 minutes in space, orbiting the planet once.

This flight marked the beginning of the space race between the USSR and the U.S. While Russia (then the USSR) put the first man in space, the United States went on to be the first to put a man on the moon.

On April 9, 1962, USSR’s Supreme Council decreed April 12 to be Cosmonaut Day. This Holiday is celebrated yearly in Russia and a number of other countries.

Fifty years after that momentous space flight, the 65th Session of the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed this day to be “International Day of Human Space Flight“, marking the beginning of space flight by humans.

Resolution # A/RES/65/271 stressed the importance of human space flight to science and technology. While this event started as a Russian celebration of a major Russian accomplishment, it truly is a celebration for all mankind to savor.

I encourage you to celebrate this day, by reading a book on the history of the space flight. Or, watch a movie or documentary about space flight. Making this another #HomeschoolTeachingMoment.

Ramadan – begins at sundown, date varies

Ramadan 2017: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Olori Supergal

I would like to let you know I had to look up what Ramadan was so I could teach Charlie and David. Have you heard of Ramadan? Do you celebrate this Holiday:


Ramadan is a time of fasting, worship, and renewal of family ties. Fasting lasts the entire month and Muslims can not eat during daylight hours. Could you imagine not eating during Daylight Hours? When would you eat as you sleep at night?

Fasting is done to show devotion to god. On the last day of Ramadan, it ends with the sighting of the moon. A Muslim friend of mine says people in high rise apartments have the advantage, as they see the moon first.

Walk on Your Wild Side Day

It's Walk On Your Wild Side Day so get as messy as you can or go on an  adventure! It's completely up to you. #LoveLearn… | Play to learn,  Instagram posts, Adventure

Today I would like to do this but I don’t think Charlie or David would appreciate me dressing in Wild Clothes and painting my car with Peace Symbols and Flowers.

Instead I have to walk on my wild side inside and just jam in my office when no, one is around. What do you do to walk on the wild side day and why?


Walking on Your Wild Side Day encourages us to take a chance. It’s a call to the inner strength within you, to do something out of your comfort zone. Do something wild and crazy, and perhaps a little daring.

For Charlie and I I believe we will go outside and play in the water hose and dance and sing for our Homeschool Music Class. I hope the neighbors have Ear Phones because it might get loud up in here…

If you would like to participate in this special day, you don’t have to do something dangerous, like hang gliding, parachuting, or riding a zip line. And, please don’t do something dangerous or illegal.

Think of something outside the normal and usual, “you” wouldn’t do. Then, kick your shoes off and go do it……. just go wild. After you have performed this wild and crazy thing, don’t forget that you have Facebook bragging rights. 

While the creators are known they did not clearly say why or what inspired them to create this event. There are two things that may have led to the inspiration for this day. In

In 1956 Nelson Algren published the novel A Walk on the Wild Side. And, Walk on the Wild Side was a song written and sung by Lou Reed in 1972.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates