Welcome to our series featuring Daily Bizarre and Unique Holidays – April 9th, 2021. Can you believe this week we will be half-way through April? Time is flying.

Today we celebrate the day Winston Churchill was made an honorary US citizen. In 1963, then President John F. Kennedy proclaimed Winston Churchill an honorary citizen.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t present to receive the proclamation in person. There have only been a handful of people to be accorded this honor.
For those Homeschooling I wanted to share with you what it takes to become an honorary US citizen? Which you can have your students study.
You have to have made extraordinary accomplishments or contributions in your life. Then a law must be drafted and voted upon by the U.S. Senate. I am going to have Charlie research what other people have gotten this Honor.
You can have your students celebrate today by reading and learning about Winston Churchill, Britain’s Prime Minister during World War II. This is the book Charlie will be reading Winston Churchill Biography for Kids (Just the Facts Book 10)
Here are two quotes by Winston Churchill you can share with your students.
War does not determine who is right…. only who is left. – –
“You have enemies? Good. That means you have stood up for something sometime in your life.”
Also, today is Name Yourself Day

Today gives you the your chance to give yourself whatever name you’d like…for a day. If you like your name, then change your name for just today. If you don’t like your name, use today to select a new name for life!
Participating in Name Yourself Day is simple and easy. Give it a try. Change your first, or middle, or last name. Or, change your entire name. Give yourself a cool and catchy nickname.
Once you’ve selected your name, you’ve gotta communicate it to all of your family and friends. Just remember this could prove to be the hard part. Don’t forget its going to take time for your new name to catch on.
I wanted to remind you Name Yourself Day is not the same as Middle Name Pride Day.
Would you want to change your name? If so what would you change it to and why?
David said he would change his because there is to many David’s in our family. When I asked David what he would change his name to he said he would let Charlie choose. Lord have MERCY there is no, clue what Charlie will name him
Charlie said he doesn’t want to change his name because he is named after his Uncle and no, one else has his name.
For me when my mom was alive I would have changed my name in a heartbeat because having the same name can get confusing. Now that she is gone having her name makes me feel closer to here.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates