Cubii Compact Seated Ellipticals

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our Christmas Gift Guide: Cubii sent me their desk exercise equipment, the Compact Seated Ellipticals in exchange for this post.

My Birthday has passed. I’ve not hit any of the goals I set for myself including losing weight. In fact I believe I’ve gained which isn’t healthy. Not only that my Blood Pressure is higher than ever. I’ve been dizzy and having horrible headaches.

The Weather is changing and its getting colder outside or its raining which keeps me from walking. Which affects my knew. I can’t go into a new year like this or I will not be here to see Charlie grow up. Which scares me.

Especially the busier I get on the blog and the more involved in Charlie’s homeschool I can’t always get outside. Now I don’t have to worry about that because no, matter what I’m doing I can use Compact Seated Ellipticals to get in the Exercise I need to do.

Yesterday I opened up the box while my sister was visiting. Before I knew what was happening Charlie began to put it together for my with Debbie’s help as I read the instructions to them. Then David walked up and helped them finish making this a true family project which I loved.

Debbie pointed out there was a handle. We can carry Compact Seated Ellipticals up and down the stairs without getting winded as it isn’t heavy at all. When I bring Phoebe outside to the porch when people are visiting I can bring it out to get my exercise in. Eating dinner at night I can slide Compact Seated Ellipticals under the table and while having dinner with my family get my daily exercise in.

I’ve set a goal of 5 minutes to start with and plan on building up to a hour at a time which is the time of a TV Show or one of Charlie’s classes. As well as how long it usually takes to write a blog post. Even if I don’t hit my goal each day it will be fine because I am exercising and losing weight.

I am teaching Charlie to think outside the box and you can always find ways to get your exercise in if you put your mind to it. Not only that Charlie can use Compact Seated Ellipticals for his homeschool PE Class. David even let me know he wants to use Compact Seated Ellipticals to strengthen his knee.

Yesterday, my sister was visiting and she is over 50 now and had been saying she would like to have Compact Seated Ellipticals instead of the Cubii she has because this one is easier to move and takes up less space.

As we were visiting she began using mine and we went over the App they have that offers us challenges to join. I watched Debbie get more excited the wheels began turning and I think I need to purchase a second Compact Seated Ellipticals then Debbie, David or Charlie and I can work out together.

I don’t plan on sharing mine as it’s under my desk and as soon as i sit down to work in the morning I start to use my Compact Seated Ellipticals that way until I get a second one I am finished and someone else can use it if they want to.

I know with the New Year and using Compact Seated Ellipticals at least once a day and the walking I am able to get in that the weight will fall off. God willing my Blood Pressure will come done and my health issues will diminish.

I thought I would share The Best Exercise Program for Each Decade of Your Life that can help keep you on track. Or you can check out Seven Ways to Exercise Without Even Realizing It because as a busy mom I know how hard it can be to get the exercise we should each day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates