Creative Activities for kids During Covid

The Mommies Reviews

Kids are great at expressing themselves through art. It gets their energy out and have fun, all at the same time. Having some easy-to-do art projects on hand and ready to go can help your kids relieve stress and take control of a small part of their lives. Here are some fun art projects for kids at home. If you need to order supplies, here is a quick list of suggestions.

1. Virtual Vacation Destination

Imagine somewhere you’d like to go. It can be anywhere: the ocean, under the ocean, the top of a mountain, the forest, a big city, an amusement park, the rainforest, even another planet. What kinds of things would you like to see and do in these places? What kind of food will you eat? What sounds will you hear? What will the air smell like? Get as detailed as you want to get. Look up pictures of this place, or places like it, online and print out the pictures. Paint, draw or tell a story about these places and specific things about these places. Post these pictures in a special place on the wall where your family can see them.

2. Your Favorite Character

Collect pictures of your favorite movie, TV or show character and draw them. To level up the challenge, draw characters from different movies and TV shows together going on adventures. Imagine and write new stories for these characters and draw pictures to go with them.

3. Imagine Your Future

How do you picture yourself as a grown-up? What kind of job do you want? What ways will you help others? Where will you live? Will you live in a city, or the country or somewhere else? What kinds of problems do you want to solve? Imagine yourself 20 years in the future and draw scenes from a day in your future life.

4. Design and Draw Your Own Business

Imagine you owned your own business. What would it be? What would you do and sell? How would this help people? Who would your customers be? Why would your customers do business with you? Who would work for you? Draw or paint pictures of your perfect business and as much about it as you can imagine.

5. Abstract Emotion

Some paintings aren’t paintings of anything specific. Some paintings are just about an emotion. Put on some music that reminds you of a specific emotion like anger, joy, sadness, fear, or hope. While listening to that song, paint a picture of colors. Focus on how the music feels and how the paint flows onto the canvas. Watch the paint move. Think about the colors you are using. Try and make the painting feel like the emotion of the song.

Setting aside a regular time for art and a dedicated space to do it can be an empowering activity for kids during uncertain times. Find a wall in your home to post your kids’ art regularly. Seeing their own art and knowing that their family sees it can help boost their confidence and self-esteem.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates