During Christmas I was Praying and believing we would get to see my niece Alex and her children Payton and Dixie. Although, the LORD had other plans for Alex.

You see Alex was Pregnant with twins. Covid-19 was happening and she wasn’t able to be with family incase any of us had the Virus and could make her sick.
For my mother in law and me this made us sad because not only weren’t we able to see her but we couldn’t see Payton and Dixie. Which means there Christmas Gifts including Crawligator Tummy Time is on my dinning room table.

I put Alex and her families Christmas Gift up for my niece Dixie. Now that the twins are 6 months old they’ll be able to use Crawligator Tummy Time when my niece Dixie who is 2 isn’t using trying to use it.
Although now, instead of letting my niece Alex take Crawligator Tummy Time home with her I want to have my mother in law keep Crawligator Tummy Time at her home because my nephew Adam is going to have a new baby soon.
Knowing how well Crawligator Tummy Time is made we will be able to use it over and over. Not only that but my best friends runs a in home day care and I want to show her Crawligator Tummy Time which she needs to purchase for the babies she keeps.

I just wish I had been able to see the Twins using Crawligator Tummy Time but I still don’t know if or when we will be able to see them thanks to Covid-19 still happening. I wouldn’t want to make them sick so keeping them at home is the best thing Alex can do.
Although, my mother in law and I like to joke and say there going to graduate from High School before we will be able to see them. If I am not careful Charlie will have his first child and he will need Crawligator Tummy Time for his children.
As we move into a new year with Valentines coming up if you have a baby in your life or know of a Expecting Mom and would like to give them a new and unique Gift I hope you check out Crawligator Tummy Time.
I can tell you that you Crawligator Tummy Time is the perfect gift for new parents, Day Care Workers who should have in Crawligator Tummy Time in all nurseries.
Crawligator Tummy Time rolling Toy provides mobility for infants 6 to 12 months old. JPMA Innovation Award Winner 2019 builds strength, develops gross motor skills and supports independence.
Pediatric physical therapist recommended. Designed to move on a hard floor surface. Sleek contoured surface allows the child to rest comfortably on their stomach. MADE IN USA.
Free Shipping on The Kiddy Crawler – Order Now for Free Shipping! Crawligator Tummy Time rolling Toy provides mobility for infants 6 to 12 months old.
FREE Shipping Use Code: MADE IN AMERICA at https://www.thecrawligator.com
I am very upset that I wasn’t able to see my niece and nephew trying out Crawlgater but I know it wasn’t the LORDS will and there parents are trying to keep them healthy.
When the LORD closes one door another opens and I have a lot of new people I will be able to share Crawlgater with now that I didn’t see them. Including my niece Alyssa who can share Crawlgater with all of her girlfriends.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
What a great review! Thank you for the informative post:-)
Happy Valentine’s Day Glenda!