Coyote’s Wild Home

The Mommies Reviews

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I was preparing Charlie’s school lessons for next week. I would like to share a book that can be used for Homeschool Biology but teachers and students in public school may enjoy Coyote’s Wild Home by Lily Kingsolver and Barbara Kingsolver Painted by Paul Mirocha as well as adults once they check out all the beautiful illustrations in this book.

You can purchase this book on Amazon

David and Charlie loved the Wolves on the cover of the book. If there hadn’t been writing on the cover David and Charlie would have wanted to hang the picture in our living room. If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out Coyote’s Wild Home you should as soon as possible. The Wolves eyes will draw you in and make you feel like he is trying to tell you something.

Charlie enjoyed following the grandfather and Diana through the Forest and learning not everyone catches Fishes. Although Charlie said he will pass on checking out animal’s poop. Charlie thought staying in the Forest could be fun but he didn’t’ want to see Coyotes although he enjoyed learning about the Aunt and the Cubs adventures.

Charlie learned words like predators which we can use in our Homeschool Spelling Test. When we study animals and Coyotes in the back of the book is facts and how to help them survive which Charlie can’t wait to check out. Would you like to join us in our biology class as we go over the facts?

In Art Class Charlie is going to draw some of the animals we learned about in Coyote’s Wild Home. Charlie let me know he thinks Coyote’s Wild Home is for upper Middle School students but children of all ages and adults will enjoy the illustrations. Though the book says its for 6 and up. We would like to ask you to purchase your own copy of Coyote’s Wild Home and let us know what age children you think it’s for and why.


Pulitzer winner Barbara Kingsolve and environmental educator Lily Kingsolver’s first children’s book, Coyote’s Wild Home

When humans occupy wild land, wild animals are forced out of their wilderness habitats and have no choice but to move into suburbs and cities, which can be frightening to many people.

Recently, the sight of Coyotes in neighborhood parks and streets has thrust these animals into the spotlight, but these incidents are reminders of the urgent need to protect wilderness for future generations.  COYOTE’S WILD HOME (The Gryphon Press; On-sale October 17, 2023; ISBN: 9780940719484) offers readers insight into these fascinating animals and how to safely coexist with them.

Children will love the lush, painted illustrations of landscapes and animals, and enjoy the fun facts about animal tracks and behavior. Written by Pulitzer Prize winner Barbara Kingsolver and environmental educator Lily Kingsolver,  COYOTE’S WILD HOME takes readers into the woods, meadows, and streams of an Appalachian forest where a girl and a Coyote pup each find their first woodland adventures.

On their separate journeys into the wilderness with a beloved family member, the intertwined paths of child and Coyote will surprise and enchant young readers. With its richly detailed illustrations and gentle biology lessons, this story of two young explorers invites readers to imagine wilderness as a place to be protected, loved, and shared.

Here’s a peek at some of the information that readers will discover within its pages:

  • Facts about coyote migration, their background, habits, and lifestyle.
  • The final pages of the book discuss how coyotes and human can successfully coexist.
  • The role that coyotes play as an important part of maintaining healthy ecosystems and species diversity.
  • Young readers will identify with the coyotes’ need to care for their young, and to find safe places to live.

Barbara KingsolverLily KingsolverPaul Mirocha (illustrator)
Genres: CoyoteEmpathyPicture BookWild AnimalsWilderness
Publisher: The Gryphon Press
Publication Year: 2023
ASIN: 0940719487
ISBN: 9780940719484

You can purchase this book on Amazon

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates