Covid 19

The Mommies Reviews

Covid 19 hit our house over a week ago. David tested positive. All I can say is Vaccinations may have kept David from getting Covid as bad as he could have. Although David was sick enough for a day or two, he didn’t run Fever and was filling better sooner than later but David still stayed home for 10 Days so he wouldn’t make anyone else sick.

Image result for Covid free

As for Charlie he ran fever one day but I think it was Allergies and not Covid as the next day he was better. Before you ask no, Charlie and I haven’t had the Vaccine and I don’t think we are going to. As for negative comments and snide remarks if that is your nature I don’t want to hear them.

As I’m doing what is best for my family and Charlie is terrified of needles and the test for Covid, so I am not putting my son through that. As for me I have trouble breathing at times and not knowing how the shot might affect me I refuse to take one even though it might help me.

Thank the LORD David is returning to work tomorrow and life as we know it will be returning to normal or at least I am PRAYING it will. In the meantime, I wish you a Blessed week and if Covid hits your home and you need anything please let me know and I will do what I can.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

2 thoughts on “Covid 19

  1. This Covid is tricky. I know they say that the vaccines help prevent bad cases of Covid and it might be true. I had Covid and had a fever and was sick for 2 weeks. Not life threatening, but felt like the flu. I am vaccinated and boosted. Stay safe

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