Compassion International Presents Goggles of Gratefulness

It’s hard to believe Summer is already coming to a close and school is beginning again, very soon! Compassion International would like to introduce you and your family to a new book called Goggles of Gratefulness!


Teach Your Child to Be Grateful

Get your free e-book for kids, Goggles of Gratefulness!

In today’s world, it’s easy for children to have a me-centered mentality. Growing up in a society of materialism, marketing, and an overabundance of “stuff“, their attention is constantly directed to the newest, the shiniest, and the most popular.

How can we teach our children the all-but-lost art of being grateful?

Let Compassion International help you with this free e-book for children, Goggles of Gratefulness. Based on a true story of a family who visited their Compassion sponsored child in UgandaGoggles of Gratefulness is a children’s picture book that takes a closer look at what it means to be thankful for what we have and generous with what we share.

Follow the story of Amelia the bird, who learns an important lesson when she leaves her world of affluence to visit relatives who don’t have the same things she has. Like Amelia, your child can learn that people are more important than possessions and that God can turn our desire to have more into a yearning to give moredo more, and be more for others.

You can get this beautifully illustrated e-book to share with your child, completely free. It’s our gift to you as a friend of Compassion International.

As an added bonus we’ll also send you the Family Generosity Challenge devotional! We know you want to train your kids to grow up to be compassionate, dedicated followers of Christ. But it can be helpful to have guidance on how to instill Christian values in your children, even from an early age.

Through experience with our own children and thousands of children across the world, we’ve learned a few things.

We hope you can apply them in your own parenting journey to teach your kids about generosity, humility, and thankfulness in a fun and effective way.

Each day of the Family Generosity Challenge, you’ll read a Bible passage that talks about the topic, a short devotional message, prayer and application points.

Act now to take advantage of both of these exciting free offers!

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

18 thoughts on “Compassion International Presents Goggles of Gratefulness

  1. I am always grateful for everything I have, and try my best to never take anything for granted. I think I do a pretty good job, I try not to get hard on myself if I do fall by the way side though because that just causes stress.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful book. I totally want to get a copy to read with my children!

  3. Going to have to share this with my daughter. Yes school is starting and she is always looking for great books to read to her children and be read too. Especially when there is a lesson to be learned.

  4. Thanks for the freebie! You’re so right, our kiddos tend to get a little obsessed with stuff so it’s nice to remind them to be grateful for what they have.

  5. How nice of them to offer a free ebook like that. It sounds like a great way to teach kids about compassion and kindness.

  6. It is so important to teach kids to be grateful for what we have. This sounds like a great book for kids.

  7. Awe this is great. I definitely want to teach my child to be grateful. I think they are learning it slowly but surely, but books like this really can help.

  8. I think it is important to teach kids how to be grateful, and this book looks like it would be great to help them learn how.

  9. I think it’s really important to teach our kids about generosity, humility, and thankfulness. I just downloaded the free book and will check it out with my daughter. Thank you for sharing!

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